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The air conditioner requires power. Power comes from the engine which burns gas. So not only are you powering the vehicle down the road, you are powering the air conditioning unit also.

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Q: Why do you get many more miles to the gallon of gas when you do not use your cars air conditioner?
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The Honda CRV can get 23 miles per gallon city and 31 miles per gallon highway. The specific miles per gallon will depend on the cars condition.

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That depends on the car. Different cars get different amounts of miles per gallon.

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There are many different hybrid cars on the market today. Most hybrid cars range from 30 to 60 miles per gallon. The miles per gallon can also vary depending on location and the types of roads you are driving on.

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The miles per gallon a small car can get will depend on the car. Some small cars can get up to 45 to 40 mph.

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It depends on its maker and its model. Toyota made cars back in 1989 that were 10 miles to the gallon, but now, it's 36 mile to the gallon.

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Hydrogen cars typically have a fuel efficiency equivalent to around 60-70 miles per gallon of gasoline. However, this can vary depending on the specific fuel cell technology and driving conditions.

How many miles is in one gallon of gas?

it really depends on what your cars m.p.g. is. I suggest looking at that first. that will tell you

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It depends on the car in question. Typically smaller gas tanks translate to more efficient cars.

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If you have gone 560 miles on 20 gallons of gas, you are getting close to 28 miles per gallon. Many people now buy cars based upon the number of miles per gallon that they can achieve.

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How is the mpg of cars measured?

The term mpg means miles per gallon and is measured by how many highway miles to the gallon a certain vehicle can run with a full tank of gas. For more information visit the website.