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By definition, tithe refers to a tenth of the harvest or income which was taken by the church - in a manner similar to income tax.

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Q: Why do you give 1 tenth to tithe?
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Doesnt god says give a tenth of a tenth?

No. The word "tithe" simply means one tenth.

How do you spell tithe in Hebrew?

tithe = מעשר (ma'aser) literally "a tenth" to tithe = נתן מעשר (natan ma'aser) literally, "to give a tenth"

How much was taxed for the church tithe in the late middle ages?

The tithe was one tenth of a person's production, so a farmer, for example, would give the Church one tenth of his crop.

What is a synonym for tenth?

a tithe. one tenth of working catholic's wages used to be paid to the church. this was referred to as a tithe.

What people due when the voluntarily give one-tenth of there money to a church or charity?

The word you are looking for is 'tithe.'

Who was in charge of the Tithe barn?

the church owned the tithe barn and they put all there tithes (a tenth) in the tithe barn

A tithe is?

A tithe is a contribution, usually to a religious organization and is one tenth of something, usually salary.

How often should you tithe?

The word tithe literally means "one tenth" or "ten percent." There are people who tithe or give ten percent of their income. However, there are others who give more or less than ten percent of their income.Your Tithe Experthttp:/

How do you calculate how much to tithe?

A tithe or tythe is literally on tenth of your income or goods

What people do when they vountarily give one tenth of their money to a church or charitable group?

It is called tithing; one gives a tithe to the church.

What is Tithe amounts?

The word tithe literally means "one-tenth." So it is 10% of something. For example, a tithe of $100 (one hundred dollars) is $10 (ten dollars).Your Tithe Expert

What is it called when one gives one tenth of there salary to a church?

A tithe .