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A transaction that occurred once may or may not happen again. The transaction record serves as a documentation that such an even occurred. It is recorded twice or sometimes thrice (like receipts & sales invoice) because the copies are intended for documentation of these 3 individuals:

  • the customer/ client
  • the contractor/ supplier
  • the bookkeeping department/ consignee company/ tax filing purposes
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Q: Why do you have to record transactions twice while they occur only once?
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What relationship between the journal and the ledger?

Both the Journal and the Ledger are the two most important books used under the Double Entry System of "Book-Keeping". The relationship between the "Journal & Ledger" could be expressed as follows: Journal is the book of first or original entry - since all the Business Transactions are recorded first of all in the "Journal". While the "Ledger" is the book of second entry - since the transactions are "Posted" to the "Ledger" from the Journal. The Journal records tranasactions in "Chronological order", while the Ledger records the transactions in analytical order. The Journal is more reliable than Ledger since it is the book in which the entry is entered first. The process of recording transations is termed as "Journalising" while the process of recording transactions in the Ledger is called as "Posting". Ramesh Kutumbaka

What does it mean when it says the difference of twice a number?

It does not mean anything at all. "Twice a number" is only one number while "the difference" must refer to two numbers, not just one.

How many times did Jesus brake bread in the bible?

Twice while feeding the five thousand and at the last supper.

How can errors occur when collecting data?

One the biggest errors that could occur while collecting data is that people who are giving the information could not give accurate answers and the investigation could be jeopardized.

How many times did Moses fast in the Bible?

Twice see Deuteronomy 9:9 while on the Mountain when God gave him the Ten Commandments and then again in verse 18 while he begged God not to destroy his people.

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No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.No, there is no record of her father having any member of his family with him while he was in exile.

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