One of the biggest applications of digital logic is using circuits to perform arithmetical operations. While theoretically, any number system could be used, binary is the most simple to express in terms of digital logic circuits.
combinational circuit and sequential circuit
Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe the behavior and operation of digital logic. Boolean descriptions and relationships can help us design logic and predict the behavior of more complex digital systems.
Digital logic IS hardware that implements Boolean algebra.
George Boole saw logic as a discipline of mathematics, not as a philosophy. He authored The Laws of Thought and is the inventor of Boolean Logic. Boolean logic was later used in the development of the structure for computer science and how the digital computer came to be formed. Boolean Logic is different from Algebra because it uses true and false variables as opposed to number variables.
Boolean Algebra is the study of the algebra of logic whilst Mathematical logic is a way of applying Boolean algebra. Other applications include set theory, digital logic and probability.
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OR diagram is a drawing or plan of the digital logic OR function, it is not able to actually do anything only tell a person something about this logic functionOR circuit is the actual electronics implementing the digital logic OR function, it is actually able to carry out this logic function in a digital device or system
M. Morris Mano is known for writing several influential textbooks on computer science and digital design, including "Digital Design" and "Computer System Architecture." These books are widely used in engineering courses and have helped many students understand the fundamentals of digital logic and computer architecture.
signal and system,digital logic design , engineering maths,
combinational circuit and sequential circuit
Logic 0 and logic 1 are the two states in digital (or binary) logic. A binary numbering system has but two numbers: 0 and 1. In contrast, we use a decimal system with 10 numbers: 0 to 9. The area of algebra that addresses binary (2-state) logic is called Boolean. In Boolean a logic 0 may be refered to as 'low', 'off' or 'false'; a logic 1 as 'high', 'on' or 'true'. Boolean logic is the foundation of digital electronics.
AI uses syllogistic logic, which was first postulated by Aristotle. This logic is based on deductive reasoning.
All digital electronic circuits are composed of logic gates. Without logic gates there would be no digital electronics.
Digital Logic
AND array is used for developing digital circuit it is used in PLA programmable logic array and PAL programmable array of logic to implement the function. the number of and array will depend on how long you has function to be implemented.These are Digital circuits.
Logic Gates are electronic building blocks of a digital system. Their physical manifestation may take any form, but essentially a logic gate consists of a collection of binary digits and a set of rules where such digits are combined to give a resulting set of binary digits. The rules that are implemented by logic gate are of the fundamental Boolean Algebraic Operations. Logic gates may be coupled together so that digital input to a system produces a predetermined digital output. It is a logical set of rules. The concept of digital information flowing into a system through an electronic pathway coveys a perception that gave someone the idea of a gate when this was named long ago.
AND array is used for developing digital circuit it is used in PLA programmable logic array and PAL programmable array of logic to implement the function. the number of and array will depend on how long you has function to be implemented.These are Digital circuits.