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Because the median is the value which is half-way along the list of values in size order. Another way of describing "half" is "divide by two".

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Q: Why do you need to divide by 2 when trying to find the median?
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Related questions

What does the median mean in maths?

The median is the middle number. To find the median, you need to put all of the numbers in order. The one in the middle is the median. If there are two middle numbers, you divide the bigger number by the smaller number.

Do you need to order from least to greatest when you are trying to find the median?

yes- it's a very easy way to do it

How do you get the median from an even set of numbers?

Median is the middle number so you need to put them in order from the smallest to the largest and find the middle number. If this is two numbers you need to add them together and divide by two!

How do you find the median group if the middle two median numbers are in two different groups?

You need to add them all together in each group then divide by the amour of numbers. That will give you the average.

How do you find out a median when there is only two numbers left?

If you need to find a median between two numbers, pick one of them arbitrarily.

What is the median between 500 and 1 million?

To find the median of an even number of values, you need to take the mean of the 2 middle numbers. Since there is only 2 numbers, take the mean to find the median. The median is (500 + 1M)/2 = 500250.

How do you calculate the error of a median for a non-parametric distribution?

You would need to take repeated samples, find their median and then calculate the standard error of these values.

How do you solve the average of a group of numbers?

You add all the numbers up and then divide by the amount of numbers there are. e.g 2+4+6= 12, there are 3 numbers (2,4,6) therefore you divide 12 by 3, and you have 4, therefore 12 is the mean. The mode is the most common number, so if you have 3,3,4,5,5,5,5,6 and you need to find the mode, the mode is 5. The median is the middle number, so if you have 1,6,9,114,300 then 9 is the median as it is right in the middle.

What are the median numbers of 8 8 4 8 2 1 4?

To find the median you need to put all the numbers on a row, starting with the lowest number and ending with the highest. 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8 Then you need to find the middle number. In this case it's 4. Therefore, the median is 4.

Write a C plus plus to find median and mode of a number?

The median and mode of any number is the same number. The mode of 5 is 5, as is the median of 5. In other words, you need two or more numbers to determine the median and mode of those numbers.

What is the median of 7.6 6.7 8.1 6.2 6.0 6.2?

The median is the middle number in a list of numbers.To find the median, you must first put the numbers in numerical order.6.0, 6.2, 6.2, 6.7, 7.6, 8.1Then, since there is an even amount of numbers in this sequence, you need to find the two middle numbers (If there were an odd amount of numbers, you would just choose the number directly in the middle to be your median).6.2 and 6.7You need to now find the number between these two to get the median. So...6.7-6.2= 0.5 -----> There is a difference of 0.5 between the two numbers.0.5/2= 0.25 ----> Divide the difference to get the halfway point between the numbers6.2+0.25=6.24 ----> Add the halfway point to the smaller number to get your median.Median = 6.24

Who do you find the median of a group of numbers?

To find the median of a group of numbers, you would need to find the middle number of the whole group. 1 6 8 9 7 2 1 Here is the (example) group of numbers that you will find the Median in. Simply cross out numbers on each side of the set of numbers until you are left with a reamaining number. This is your Median. 1 6 8 9 7 2 1