Grammar is very important. Grammar is very useful. If one uses proper grammar, then their messages are clear and everyone can understand what they are talking about.
It's 40. 7 times six is 42-2=40. LEarn your math Learn your grammar. You capitalized the e in learn, too. *burn*
yes to finance the money They need English and grammar more. (Hint) They need complex thinking skills and Algebra inproves that.
Most people do not need to learn ICD, so the question needs to be more specific.
To get my GED
You need to learn fractions because they show up in every day life. You can for example say that someone can half of your lunch.
You need to learn grammar to be american
I guess not. If you are Joe , my friend, then you need to learn to spell. Shape up - its not that difficult. Start with the word GRAMMAR
English grammar is more difficult to learn then rushian grammar?
you need to learn how to speak proper grammar
first i think you need to learn what grammar is and then ill answer your question..
learn grammar moronHmmm.You study Grammar, not learn it.
Yes, you would say that.
it means you need to learn proper grammar and the English language.
You need to learn the rules of English grammar to be able to correct sentences.
You need to learn the rules of English grammar to be able to correct sentences.
You need first to learn about spelling and grammar
Grammar is tricky. If you did not learn it as a child, the best way to learn it (and know whether your grammar is correct) is to find someone who speaks correct grammar and listen to them, a lot. NPR is a good place to listen to people who have good grammar.