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About 70% of our oxygen is indeed produced by marine plants.

The statement about the rain forests is wrong, they are now known to be essentially oxygen neutral, with little or no net oxygen production at all. That's not saying, it isn't worth saving them.

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Q: Why do you say 70 to 80 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from marine plants in the ocean and you also say 70 percent comes from rain forests?
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What percent of the atmosphere is oxygen'?

21% of the atmosphere is oxygen.

Which organisms do scientists estimate more than 50 percent of the oxygen in earths atmosphere?

Scientists estimate that more than 50 percent of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean through photosynthesis. Phytoplankton are microscopic marine organisms that play a crucial role in the global oxygen cycle.

Which gas forms 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere?

Oxygen forms 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.

What is the biggest contributor to the earths oxygen supply?

The biggest contributor to Earth's oxygen supply is phytoplankton. These microscopic marine plants generate over half of the oxygen in our atmosphere through photosynthesis. Forests and other plants also play a significant role in oxygen production.

What gas is 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere?

Oxygen is the gas that makes up about 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.

What percent of oxygen is present in your atmosphere?

40 percent

Where does 80 percent of oxygen comes from?

Around 80 percent of oxygen on Earth is produced by phytoplankton in the oceans. These microscopic organisms undergo photosynthesis, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Forests and other terrestrial plants also contribute significantly to oxygen production.

What is the mass percent of oxygen?

The mass percent of oxygen is approximately 21% in Earth's atmosphere.

What is the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Air is 20.5 percent oxygen.

Does forest area have more oxygen?

Forests do produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, but they do not significantly increase the overall oxygen levels in the atmosphere. The main source of oxygen on Earth is the oceans, not forests. Forests are crucial for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and climate regulation.

What percent of earths atmosphere is oxygen?


What is its atmosphere is about 20 percent oxygen?

The Earth