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Q: Why do you see more than 3 colors?
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How many colors are there in a set of analogous colors?

There can be any number of colors in an analogous color scheme. The only requirement is that the colors be from the same area of the color wheel. If there are more than 3 or 4 colors, then the colors will be much closer together, and you would need a more detailed color wheel to see them all.

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Is it bad to have more than 3 colors in a bedroom?

No, it makes the bedroom more coulorfull.

Can a dog see a rainbow?

Yes in fact birds can see colors more intensely than humans. Birds have 4 cones in their retinas opposed to the 3 cones in a human retina

Why are there only 3 eye colors blue green and brown all other colors are different shades?

There are more than 3 colors. Some colors are blue, green, black, hazel, brown, gray, etc

What four colors can dog see?

They actually only see in 3 colors,yellow,blue and grey.

What are the characteristics of the RGB color profile?

Characteristic is that this color profile is best for screen and Internet, it can contain more colors that human eye can see and all colors are made from 3 primary colors Red - Green and Blue

How many colors there are?

There are millions of colors in the visible light spectrum. The human eye can see approximately 10 million different colors, while electronic devices can display even more with the help of technology.

How do you make yourself glow two colors in ourworld?

You put more than one potion on in your inventory. .. You can have a max of 3 on at a time. (:

Cone cells enable you to see?

Colors i am 100% sure;) <3

How many people went to see the priemer of twilight?

More than 3 million

What does The shifting of electrons in an atom do?

Allows us to see colors. PLATO <3