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because of two things-

a) both positive and negative deviations mean something about the general variability of the data to the analyst, if you added them they'd cancel out, but squaring them results in positive numbers that add up.

b) a few larger deviations are much more significant than the many little ones, and squaring them gives them more weight.

Sigma, the square root of the variance, is a good pointer to how far away from the mean you are likely to be if you choose a datum at random. the probability of being such a number of sigmas away is easily looked up.

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Q: Why do you square the deviations to get the variance and then take the reverse action of taking the square root of the variance to return the variance to sigma?
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How are variance and standard deviation used as measures of risk for both a security and a portfolio?

Risk reflects the chance that the actual return on an investment may be very different than the expected return. One way to measure risk is to calculate the variance and standard deviation of the distribution of returns.Consider the probability distribution for the returns on stocks A and B provided below.StateProbabilityReturn onStock AReturn onStock B120%5%50%230%10%30%330%15%10%320%20%-10%The expected returns on stocks A and B were calculated on the Expected Return page. The expected return on Stock A was found to be 12.5% and the expected return on Stock B was found to be 20%.Given an asset's expected return, its variance can be calculated using the following equation:whereN = the number of states,pi = the probability of state i,Ri = the return on the stock in state i, andE[R] = the expected return on the stock.The standard deviation is calculated as the positive square root of the variance.Note: E[RA] = 12.5% and E[RB] = 20%Stock AStock B

What does reciproctal mean?

An action in response or in return for another.

The Sortino Ratio?

I've written before about the Sharpe Ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted returns for an asset or portfolio. The Sharpe ratio functions by dividing the difference between the returns of that asset or portfolio and the risk-free rate of return by the standard deviation of the returns from their mean. So it gives you an idea of the level of risk assumed to earn each marginal unit of return. The problem with using the Sharpe Ratio is that it assumes that all deviations from the mean are risky, and therefore bad. But often those deviations are upward movements. Why should an investment strategy by graded so sharply by the Sharpe Ratio for good performance? In the real world, investors don't usually mind upside deviations from the mean. Why would they? These were the questions on the mind of Frank Sortino when he developed what has been dubbed the Sortino Ratio. The ratio that bears his name is a modification of the Sharpe Ratio that only takes into account negative deviations and counts them as risk. To me, it always made a lot more sense not to include upside volatility from the equation because I rather like to see some upside volatility in my portfolios. With the Sortino Ratio only downside volatility is used as the denominator in the equation. So the way you calculate it is to divide the difference between the expected rate of return and the risk-free rate by the standard deviation of negative asset returns. (It can be a bit tricky the first time you try to do it. The positive deviations are set to values of zero during the standard deviation calculation in order to calculate downside deviation.) By using the Sortino Ratio instead of the Sharpe Ratio you’re not penalizing the investment manager or strategy for any upside volatility in the portfolio. And doesn’t that make a whole lot more sense?

What are synonyms and antonyms for revert?

Synonyms refer to words that have the same meaning while antonyms are words that have an opposite meaning. Synonyms for revert include return, reverse and retain while its antonyms are evolve or progress.

What happens if the IRR is greater than the required rate of return?

The IRR rule states that if the internal rate of return (IRR) on a project or investment is greater than the minimum required rate of return - the cost of capital - then the decision would generally be to go ahead with it. Conversely, if the IRR on a project or investment is lower than the cost of capital, then the best course of action may be to reject it.

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Risk reflects the chance that the actual return on an investment may be very different than the expected return. One way to measure risk is to calculate the variance and standard deviation of the distribution of returns.Consider the probability distribution for the returns on stocks A and B provided below.StateProbabilityReturn onStock AReturn onStock B120%5%50%230%10%30%330%15%10%320%20%-10%The expected returns on stocks A and B were calculated on the Expected Return page. The expected return on Stock A was found to be 12.5% and the expected return on Stock B was found to be 20%.Given an asset's expected return, its variance can be calculated using the following equation:whereN = the number of states,pi = the probability of state i,Ri = the return on the stock in state i, andE[R] = the expected return on the stock.The standard deviation is calculated as the positive square root of the variance.Note: E[RA] = 12.5% and E[RB] = 20%Stock AStock B

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