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It tells you how many triangles can be made using the figure. For example: A rectangle has 4 sides. The formula for angle measures is (n-2)180. Plug in 4 for n number of sides. (4-2)180 2(180) 360 degrees for all sides 90 degrees for one side

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Q: Why do you subtract 2 from the number of sides when finding angle measures?
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What are the methods used to compute the measures of complementary and supplementary angles?

The methods are subtraction. -- Subtract an angle from 90° to find its complementary angle. -- Subtract an angle from 180° to find its supplementary angle.

What are measures of the exterior angles?

Subtract the interior angle by 360 degrees

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The "Far Arc Near Arc theorem" is used in finding the angle measures of a secant.

How do you subtract and add angle measures?

In the same way that you subtract and add numbers. Sometimes, though, if the answer is greater than 360 dgrees, you can subtract 360. This is because the angle measure of a whole turn and a bit is the same as the angle measure of the bit.

How do you missing angles of a pentagon with only three angles listed?

to find the entire angle sum of a pentagon you would have to subtract 2 from 5, because 5 is the number of sides. You then take 3 and multiply it by 180. if it is a regular pentagon you just simply divide 540 by 5 (the number of angles) and that is the measure of each angle in the pentagon. If it isn't a regular pentagon you subtract the 3 angle measures you know from 540 and then with the remaining number you use thereoms and postulates and stuff to find the angle measures

What is the formula for finding angle measures?

360X^-1 then go to your table of values and you will be able to see all the angle measures for every side

If one angle of a triangle measures 32 degrees and another angle measures 71 what is the measure of the third one?

32 and 71 equals 103 subtract that from 180 and you get your answer of 77 degrees

Prove that the sum of the measures of the three angles of every triangle is 180 degrees?

Angle a plus angle b subtract from 180 equals angle c

How do you Calculate the right angle of a triangle?

Al you need to get is a protractor to measure it really. say you had a straight line you know how much that measures and you know how much the other angle measures so subtract it and you have the answer!

How do you find the complement and a supplement of a number?

To find the complementary angle, you subtract 90 by the first given complement angle. To find the supplementary angle, you subtract 180 by the first given supplement angle.

What is the formula for finding the sum of angles?

Subtract the number of sides of the polygon by two then multiply it by 180Formula:Interior angle sum = (s-2) x 180 (With s being the number of sides the polygon has.

How do you solve angle measures using algebra?

Easy, first you must assign a variable to the angle you are finding, x. Then, if the angle is on a straight line then the total will be 180. 180 O You should have one angle measument given, such as An angle with x degrees and one with 72 lie on a straight line. Then, all it is is x+72=180 which can be rewritten as 180-72=x so x must equal 108! Same goes for to angles in a right angle, but replacing the 180 with 90. Now if you are finding a missing angle measure in triangles all you do is add the given measures and subtract from 180 to get the missing measur, x.