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Q: Why do you suppose girders are so often arranged to form triangles in construction of bridges and other structures?
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Related questions

Why are triangles used in the construction of bridges?

Triangles are used in structures because a triangle is a very stable shape that cannot be stretched or squashed easily - unlike rectangles which can easily become parallelograms.

What are three structures that use triangles?

Some structures that use triangles are bridges (such as truss bridges), roofs (like triangular trusses), and architectural supports (like triangular frames or columns) to provide stability and strength.

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Why are triangles used in the design of structures such as bridges?

so the bridge cant fall down when the cars are on it. And the triagles can keep i

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How are congruent triangles used in real life?

Mostly congruent triangles are used for construction of things like bridges and buildings because they are considered more stable and strong to use (i hope that helps i had to learn this for a project)

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Do they ever build bridges over imaginary rivers?

No, bridges are physical structures that are built to span over actual bodies of water or other obstacles. Imaginary rivers do not require the construction of physical bridges.

What is the ASTM equivalent of?

The ASTM equivalent of Q345B is A572 gr.50. This is a steel plate that is used in the construction of large structures like bridges.

What is the Q345B equivalent of is?

The ASTM equivalent of Q345B is A572 gr.50. This is a steel plate that is used in the construction of large structures like bridges.

What are the strongest bridges?

Ones that make use of triangles.

What contributions did Pythagoras made for us?

without triangles we would not be able to build proper bridges, would not be able to re- enforce structures. we would not be able to construct aeroplane frames