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Variation is when something changes or becomes different.

A variable then would be something which has the ability to change and could become something different.

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Q: Why do you think a variable is called a variable?
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Why do you think a variable in an expression is called a variable?

Because it varies, otherwise it would be a constant.

The one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is called?

The variable that the experimenter deliberately changes is called the independent variable. The thing you are observing as a result of the different 'values' or 'conditions' of the independent variable is called the dependent variable. If the experiment is well controlled, then you can have some confidence that changes in the dependent variable have come about directly as a result of your changes to the independent variable.

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The input variable is called the independent variable, and the ouput variable is called the dependent variable.

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The independent variable. The output variable is dependent on this variable's value and so is called the dependent variable.

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I think it is called "replacing" or "substitution".

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The answer is a dependent variable. A variable that changes in response to another variable is called a dependent variable.

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It is called a local variable since it only exists inside the method.

The variable that a scientist changes when conducting an experiment is called the variable?

A factor that can be changed in an experiment is called an independent variable.

What is the variable called that we plot on the x axis?

The variable plotted on the x-axis is called the independent variable. It represents the factor that is intentionally changed or manipulated in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

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it is an unusual variable called the protocathletica variable.

What is the variable that you change called?

The variable that you change is called the independent variable, or the manipulated variable. This variable is deliberately altered by the experimenter to observe its effect on the dependent variable.