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It's not convenient for them. If you have to give account for your life then you might have to change your life style.

Satan has blinded people to the truth.

Many people don't have a spirit world view. They only know the material world.

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Q: Why do you think people find it difficult to believe in the last judgment?
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What is Divine judgment?

judgement from god, many people think there's after life and believe god will jedge the crimes

Do you believe that God has set a special day for judgment?

I do believe that god has a set special day for judgment but I don't think that anyone knows that day.

Why do some people believe that judgment day is on May 21st 2011?

They read Bible prophecies and think there is enough information there to find out the exact timing.

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Usually, because there is no evidence to support a claim. Often one will not believe in miracles because of personal beliefs or prior judgment of the one claiming a miracle.

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People who believe in animism believe that the natural objects have spirits.

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Not really sure on this one, perhaps they find it difficult to watch a loved one in pain? They might just be overwhelmed and unable to cope anymore and are just looking for a way out. They might think they are doing the person they are killing a favor. However, I don't believe that there are that many people who find it difficult to NOT run around killing the elderly and the handicapped, so I don't think there are "many" people who find it difficult to follow these teaching.

Why do people think the holy face of Jesus is genuine?

People probably think its genuine as when they /you believe in something so hard it 's hard not to imagine who what when where and why and that picture has made so many people believe in Jesus people think of it real

What is the gospels massage?

I think you mean message. The gospels message is Christ died as a sacrifice for all sin people who believe this will not have to face judgment for their sin.The Bible tells us that people have turned away from God and don't give Him the praise and honour due, as our creator. Sin is missing the mark, being unlike God. So because people are sinners they will have to face judgment and because of their sin will be condemned - Rom 3:23. But the gospel is good news Christ has paid the penalty and all those who believe will not have to face judgment (and eternal death) but will have eternal life.Also, certain books are aimed toward different people groups, including the Jews.

What would happen to people that think it is rational to believe in god?

Then they believe in God and believe their lives are the better for it.

Is Judgment day 21 May 2011?

If it was we missed it! Despite what false prophets want people to think, no one will ever know.

What do you think the nickname sage of monticello meant?

Sage means: # Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment. # Proceeding from or marked by wisdom and calm judgment: Monticello was his home.

Why is it that when you are taking calculus people assume you are crazy?

Some people might think it is a difficult subject.