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Q: Why do you think rhombus shaped railcars are used?
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the railcars were used to transport the people in the concentration camps to diffrent camps.

Why you used of short chimney in locomotive boiler?

locomtive boiler is generally used in railcars so as railcars is to pass through tunnels thats y generally the chimney with short lenght is used..! :D

How do you move petroleum?

Petroleum is typically moved through pipelines, tanker ships, trucks, and railcars. Pipelines are the most common method for long-distance transport, while tanker ships are used for overseas shipments. Trucks and railcars are used for shorter distances and to access areas not connected by pipelines.

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I think you are referencing the writing system which used wedge shaped characters developed by the Sumerians. It is called cuneiform and was used about 2500BCE

What are locomotives used for?

locomotives are used to propell railcars. They can be in a push or pull mode. Locomotives are generlly diesel or diesel electric. If a locomotive starts to lose its propullsion power it will require maintenance.

Which country have rhombus shape national flag?

Brazil has a rhombus on their national flag. The American states of Arkansas and Delaware each also have a rhombus, as well as a historical flag used for a Napoleonic campaign in Italy. The Empire of Brazil, Portugal, and the Algarves used a flag with a rhombus as well, and is the basis for the current Brazilian flag.

Can a triangle and a rhombus be used to make a tessellation?


Is a square a rhombus because?

A rhombus can be defined in 2 ways: # A quadrilateral with four equal sides, or # A qyuadrilateral with 4 equal sides but no right angles. Both definitions are used. If the definition used is the first of these then a square is a special case of a rhombus. But if it is the second definition then it is not.

Is the diagonals of rhombus congruent?

"Congruent" isn't used to describe the diagonals of a rhombus. However, all four sides of a rhombus are congruent - they are all the same length.The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other. They are not the same length - if the diagonals were the same length, then you would have a square.

Is a rhombas always a perellelgram?

A quadrilateral is a term used to describe a rhombus. A rhombus has at least two equal sides, and is also referred to as a parallelogram. As long as the rhombus has two equal sides, it will always be considered a parallelogram.

How quadrilateral of rhombus is used in your daily life?

A kite is a rhombustic shape...

Why is a rhombus referred to as a diamond?

Because it looks similar. But it DEFINATELY IS NOT A DIAMOND. A diamond is never used in math. A rhombus is an actual geometric shape, unlike a diamond.