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Q: Why do you think that the micas flat minerals in these rocks are all parallel or sub-parallel to one another?
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What are most of the earths minerals?

The 'common' or rock-forming minerals, such as quartz, feldspars, micas, calcite, etc.

What minerals make up shale?

Minerals could include clays, feldspars, quartz, micas, and pyrite

What minerals are the easiest to recognize in a rock?

The easiest minerals to recognize in a rock most times is Quartz, Feldsper and Micas.

Most abundant minerals in rock?

The most abundant rock forming minerals are the silicates, like feldspars, micas, and quartz.

What is the geologic mean of platy mineral?

Platy minerals are micas(muscovite and biotite) and chlorite

Which group of minerals are the most abundent in the Earth's crust?

The silicate group. The silicate group includes these minerals; quartz, feldspars, and micas.

What group is mica in?

Mica is a group of sheet silicate minerals (e.x of micas : Biotite, muscovite)

Which group of minerals of the most abundant in the Earth's crust?

The silicate group of minerals comprise the largest percentage of the Earth's crust. Silicate minerals include quartz, feldspars, and micas.

Which silicate minerals are the main component of most of Earth?

They would include olivine, quartz, the feldspars, and the micas.

What group of rock forming minerals are used as dielectrics in heating elements etc?

The micas are used as dielectrics.

What is the crystalline structure of phyllite?

phyllite is a type of metasedimentary rock. The parent rock likely contained clays and/or micas, which have metamorphosed into micas and aligned due to pressure. This shiny surface is produced by the alignment of the minerals.

Muscovite mica group list?

The Muscovite mica group includes minerals such as muscovite, phlogopite, biotite, and lepidolite. Muscovite and phlogopite are the most common members of this group. These minerals are known for their sheet-like crystal structure and are commonly used in various industrial applications.