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Q: Why do you think there are different shaps and sizes to leaves?
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Does different colors effect leaves?

Yes, different colors of light can affect the way plants grow and develop. For example, red and blue wavelengths are absorbed more by plants for photosynthesis, while green light is not as readily absorbed. This can impact factors like leaf size, shape, and overall growth.

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i think it depends on the weather and how big the storm is!

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because they are different sizes and different distances away from earth

Why do leaves vary in size?

Leaves are adapted to their environment e.g. pine trees have spikey leaves to trap water and others e.g. plants in the rainforest, have large leaves to absorb sunlight to create photosynthesis (food for the plant)

Do Secure logic wall safes come in different sizes?

I don't think they do. What you see is what you get. It would be costly for them to produce different sizes for safes and have no one buy them. It's a good investment though.

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I personally think because men and women's body's are different down were the pants go.

Why are magnets available in different shapes and size?

Maybe different sizes and shapes can stick more magnetic. Think it depends more on the use and requirements for the magnets.

How big is the snare drum?

You can get several different sizes of snare drum i think the standard one is 14" I'm not sure But you can get different szes of snare drum

Do different leaves absorb different amounts of water?

Yes, but as leaves get their water from the plant's root system it is incorrect to think the leaf has absorbed the water from anyplace other than the ground. Generally, leaves in wet climates will retain more water than leaves or grasses in dry climates.

Why are testicles two different sizes?

totally normal. nothing to worry about, unless one is HUGE and the other tiiiny. then go see a urologist. if there just a touch or so bigger, then don't fret.