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Q: Why do you think this independent variable might affect the dependent variable?
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What services as a standard of comparsion to evlauate the effect of the independent variable on a dependent variable?

It seems part of this question is missing. Perhaps the answer is that you might compare the effect to basic functions such as linear, quadratic, or exponential.

What describes an independent variable?

An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

What does independent variable mean in math?

An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

Examples of Dependent and independent variables?

Independent Variables are changes that occur in an experiment that are directly caused by the experimenter (you.)Dependent Variables are changes that occur due toindependent variables.A Controlled Variable is anything else that could influence the dependent variables.

What is the dependent variable when the independent variable is temperature?

It is an observable phenomenon that changes in response to temperature. For example, if we raise the temperature of a metal wire, it will begin to emit radiation which increases in frequency as the temperature increases. The radiation frequency is the dependent variable here.In any event, you the experimenter determine which variables you wish to study. If you believe that but one variable might depend on temperature, be aware that's nonsense!

Related questions

What is the dependent variable of the experiment?

Dependent Variable: - Something that might be effected by the change in the independent variable - What is observed - What is measured - The data collected during the investigation :)

What is the definition of idependent variable?

An independent variable is a part of an experiment that might change due to the outcome not being a desired result. The person conducting an experiment about how a medicine might affect a person, might change the number of people tested to gain more insight into the results. The independent variable in that situation would be the number of test subjects.

Independent variable examples?

They are the variables that you think predict some outcome (which is considered the dependent variable). So you might have a theory that gender and age predicts personal income. Gender and age are the independent variables, and income is the dependent. The choice of whether a variable is independent or dependent often is driven by the question you're trying to answer. So in many cases it's possible that the same variable could be an independent variable in one analysis, but a dependent variable in a different analysis. For example, while income was the dependent variable in the earlier example, if you were trying to predict whether a child goes to college, the parents' income might be an important independent variable in that case.

Examples of independent and dependent variables in science?

Independent and dependent variables are the variables that change during the course of an experiment. An example might be an experiment on how temperature affects plant growth. Changing the temperature is the independent variable, while the level of plant growth that results is the dependent variable.

What is tested factor in an experiment that might affect the outcome?

independent variable

What is a tested factor in an experiment that might affect the outcome?

independent variable

What is scientific Dependent variable?

A dependent variable is a factor in an experiment that is influenced by another factor. An example might help to clarify. You are performing an experiment in which you are observing how sunlight affects plant height. Plant height is the dependent variable because it is dependent upon how much sunlight the plant receives. Sunlight is an example of an independent variable. It is not influenced by anything in this experiment, but may be changed to observe its effect on the dependent variable. It is possible to have more than one dependent variable in an experiment, but only one independent variable.

Which variable of a well designed experiment might be affected by the factors?

dependent variable

What variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment is called the independent variable... Thank you for letting me answer goodbye... ;)

What is the independent variable in his experiment?

Dependent Variable: - Something that might be effected by the change in the independent variable - What is observed - What is measured - The data collected during the investigation :)

What is an independent variable and dependent variable?

An independent variable is a variable that is intentionally manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is measured or observed to see how it responds to the changes made to the independent variable.

In a memory test where a subject must recall the faces that they have seen previously What is the independent and dependent variable?

An independent variable is the one manipulated by the experimenter while the dependent variable is an outcome measure. For your example, a logical dependent variable would be how many faces are correctly recalled. However, we can't tell from your description what the independent variable is. It might be something like the type of faces shown, the number of faces shown, the delay between viewing and recalling the faces, or something along those lines. If you can provide more information, I can give you a better answer.