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Q: Why do you thinkearth looks like a blue and white marble from space?
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What does the earth look like from space?

In space, the Earth looks like a blue marble. NASA has many photographs of the Earth from space. The earth is spherical like an orange but it is not orange.

How the earth looks from space?

Like a big blue and white marble. After we landed on the moon in 1969 a poster came out with the view of earth from the moon and that's what it looked like.

What kind of stone used to build for lotus temple?

The temple looks like a lotus flower and is made of marble, cement, dolomite and sand.

What does the color bluish marble look like?

A bluish marble looks exactly like the Earth, with some swirls of color white scattered along the surface.

What does the leaning of Pisa look like?

The leaning Tower of Pisa looks like a white tower made out of marble that has arches and carved art on the white marble that is leaning 5.5 degrees.With seven bells inside.

Is the Jefferson Memorial made of white marble?

Yes, the Jefferson Memorial is made of white marble. The exterior features white Georgia marble and the interior is lined with white Vermont marble.

Is the taj mahal soposte to be marble white?

Tajmahal is made of finest quality of marble called Makrana Marble which is rare now. It is more than marble white.

Why was the Parthenon built of marble?

Because marble is white.

Which type of marble did tajmahal madeup of?

white marble

Which more expensive green marble or white marble?

white cause it takes longer to develop

What is Taj Mahal made of?

Taj Mahal is made of white marble and decorated with different precious stones.

What are the materials that the Leaning Tower of Pisa made of?

The materials that were used to build this tower is cement, rocks and some white marble, cement, wood and stone.