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Complex electronic circuits are wishy-washy things. Economically-priced components

(like resistors etc.) are often as much as 10% under or over the value marked on

them, and they change value when their temperature changes. That, plus the fact

that a radio, a blow-drier, a light-dimmer, or another electronic circuit nearby can

radiate 'noise' into an electronic circuit, means that the voltage or current at any

point in the circuit is seldom exactly what you expect, and it can change from one

moment to the next.

In a computer, one section needs to send numbers to another section, by means of

electrical signals on a wire. Simply put, if decimal numbers were used inside the

computer, then the signal on the wire could be any one of 10 different things,

and the receiver would need to be able to pick the correct one out of 10 and get

it right virtually every time. That would place a lot of very expensive requirements

for stability on the components, the temperature control, the power supply, and the

noise shielding. The only places that could afford computers would be the military

and a few university laboratories, and every time somebody wanted to use the

computer, it would have to be calibrated and tested first.

This was exactly the situation with the earliest ones ... the "analog computers".

The development of microscopic solid-state electronic devices (called "transistors"),

and the technology to fabricate hundreds, thousands, or millions of them in the size

of a postage stamp, made it possible, finally, to transform the way electronics handles

numbers. The trick is to do it "digitally" ... meaning all in binary numbers ... and that

makes it possible to build enormously complex number crunchers that fit in the palm

of a hand. They're cheap enough and reliable enough now so that you and millions

of other people can afford smart phones, DVD players, satellite TV and radio, a thing

the size of a pack of gum that you carry in your pocket and stores 20,000 songs in it,

and the computer you're looking at right now.

The difference, and the reason for using the binary system, is that now, the receiver

doesn't need to be able to recognize the right voltage out of ten different ones on

the wire. It only has to recognize two of them ... high or low. Components can heat up,

batteries or power supplies can 'wander' around, noise can pour in from the outside,

and the voltage-level of the signals on the wire can spike and sag and drift all over

the place. But as long as the receiver knows exactly when to look at the signal, and

can tell the difference between "Is it high ?" or "Is it low ?" at that instant, the digital

job gets done.

That's why.

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First computer to use binary number system?

The first computer to use the binary number system was probably the Z1, started by Konrad Zuse in 1936. It was a mechanical computer, not fully programmable, but is still considered a computer.

What base system does a computer use?

Computers are based on a binary number system.

What are number systems use in computer to store data and perform calculations?

Binary number system ,which has only two digits 0 and 1.

What is the advantage of having the binary number system to represent data inside the computer instead of the decimal number system?

They use the binary sysem because the number 1 means the switch is turned on and the number 0 means the switch is off. There is no way to use the decimal number system.

What numbering system do computer use?

They use the binary code (1010101011001100)

What is the difference between a number system and a binary system?

A binary system is a special type of a number system. The binary system uses only two digits, other number systems use more.

Why all digital devices use binary number system?

The binary number system inside the electronics of a computer is generally represented by a high or a low voltage, a charged or uncharged capacitor, or sometimes even a switch that is on or off. That these electronics are generally in either one or the other state, the binary system is the simplest.

Why binary number system used in digital system?

They are the best numbers for computers to use. In simple terms, as computers are electronic they use electronic currents, which can be on or off, like a light switch. 1 and 0, which are the only digits binary has, can be used to represent these two states. Binary forms the basis to all computer memory and operations.

How do you use binary in a sentence?

The equation was based on the number 2 or the binary numeration system.

Do computers use the decimal number system to store data?

No, they use the binary system