It is mainly because humans have ten digits: fingers and thumbs. As a result, from prehistoric times, one of our counting bases has been ten.
It was a combination of civilisations. We use the Indo-Arabic system.
Not in the way we that would use a decimal point today. But they did use points to signify fractions of 12.
decimal system
No. It uses ten digits and the decimal point: eleven symbols in all.
Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal system. It is a classification system used by libraries, and not what is meant in the question. The decimal number system is the number system that we all use on a daily basis; it was invented by a succession of Arab and Hindu mathematicians beginning about 1400 years ago.
Computers use a binary system, not decimal.
It was a combination of civilisations. We use the Indo-Arabic system.
Yes, South Africa does use the decimal system
The decimal system The concept of zero among other things
This question has no answer, for the decimal system of counting has been in use for millennia, from the Mediterranean to China. Christopher Ellis, Though you are correct that the Decimal system has been used for a long time, everything starts somewhere. In this case the Decimal System started in the Gupta Empire. Sorry that a 16 year old has more knowledge than someone in they're late 50's to early 60's. answered by Coyote G. Farmer
they made the numbers we use today and they were the onlu ones that made zero and they made our decimal system.
They were the first group to use numerals. They also worked with bases of ten, bases of 60, and the decimal system that is still in use today.
One of the main Hindu influences brought by the Arabs to Europe was the decimal numerical system we use today, which is known as the \"Hindu-Arabic numeral system\".
No, they use the binary system
1. Decimal system 2. Binar system in informatics
India invented the use of the 0 as a place holder and so the decimal system.
It is estimated that around 200,000 libraries worldwide use the Dewey Decimal System to classify their collections.