Because the term percent means per cent as in the Latin word "for every hundred"
1 whole = 100%
No. 100% is the same as 1 as a decimal. When we speak about decimals, 1 means the whole. In percent, 100 is the whole. 0.5 as decimals means half of the whole, and that's the same as 50%. Therefore, 0.7 is equal to 70%. 0.7% equals 0.007
Multiply 1 by 100 to convert to percent: 1 × 100 = 100%
1 whole = 100%
1 quintal = 100 kg
1 whole = 100 percent. 1 fifth = (1 whole)/5 = (100/5) = 20 percent.
No. 100% is the same as 1 as a decimal. When we speak about decimals, 1 means the whole. In percent, 100 is the whole. 0.5 as decimals means half of the whole, and that's the same as 50%. Therefore, 0.7 is equal to 70%. 0.7% equals 0.007
Multiply 1 by 100 to convert to percent: 1 × 100 = 100%
3 tenth = 3/10 one percent = 1/100 3 tenth of a percent = (3/10) x (1/100) =3/1000 =0.003
fractional percent equal to 29.41= (2941/1)%29.41 * 100/100= 2941/100 * 100%= (2941/1)%
100% = 1*100 and 50% = 0.5*100
100 hundredths qual 1 whole