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Q: Why does McMahon say that Carlyle's arithmetic was essentially sound?
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Does outerspace have sound?

Outerspace has no sound. This is because outerspace is essentially devoid of matter, and matter is required for sound. Sound is a physical phenomenon of a travelling pressure wave, and in space there is essentially no gas or media to transmit a wave.

In The Devil's Arithmetic what sound does Hannah hear from the violin?

she hears a strum breaking.

What dictates how fast sound travels through air?

Essentially it is the density and temperature of the air which determines the speed of sound therein.

Will sound not travel through a vacuum because there are no molecules in a vacuum?

Essentially, yes.

The volume of sound is determined by?

The volume of sound is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves. Higher amplitude corresponds to a louder sound, while lower amplitude corresponds to a quieter sound. Essentially, the energy in the sound wave affects the perceived volume of the sound.

Area which wound waves are pushed apart?

A sound wave is essentially fast changing sound pressure. Longitudinal sound waves need a medium to travel through in order to exist.

What would happen with the sound If a wave length increase?

If the wavelength of a sound wave increases, the frequency of the wave decreases. This means that the pitch of the sound would decrease. Essentially, the sound wave becomes stretched out, resulting in a lower pitched sound.

Are ocean waves and sound waves different?

ocean waves have to do with water and sound waves have to do with sound

What is the definition of null sets?

A null set is an empty set, or a set with no elements in it. Although that may sound pointless, its uses are similar to those of 0 in arithmetic.

What effects does using the sustained pedal add?

The Sustain pedal on a piano essentially prolongs the sound that has been played.

How fast can sound travel through a vacuum?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum as it needs a medium, such as air, water, or solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles for sound waves to travel through, so the speed of sound is essentially zero.