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Q: Why does Oshkosh jog around highscholl track 98 times every day?
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How many times does moon orbits around earth?

Once every 24 hours.

How many times does a geosynchronous orbit revolves around the earth?

Once every day.

Why does the moon revolve around the Earth exactly twelve times for every revolution of the Earth around the sun?

The relationship is not exact.

How many times does the earth spin around in a year?

The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.

How many times does butters get grounded on south park?

Almost every episode, so I bet around 200 times or so.

How often does the moon reapeat its cycle?

Orbital revolutions around the earth: Every 27.32 days, or about 13.4 times a year. Cycle of phases: Every 29.53 days, or about 12.4 times a year.

How many revolutions around the Sun does Mercury make when it rotates 9 times?

Mercury rotates on its axis three times for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun. So if Mercury rotates 9 times, it will make 6 revolutions around the Sun.

Does the sun go around the planet every day?

yes, actually 4 times a day

How many times does the earth rotate around the sun?

once every 365.25 days.. (a whole year)

How long would it take for the moon to go around every planet in 1 year?

about thousand times

If you are 13 years old how many times you would have gone around the sun?

If you are 13 years old, you have circled the sun 13 times. Each year represents one complete orbit of the Earth around the sun.

How many times does the Earth rotate on it's axis for everytime that it revolves around the sun?

364.5 times as it takes that many days to revolve around the sun and the earth spins once every twenty four hours.