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The Vietnamese paint their trees with a white insecticide at the bottom of the trees to kill pest before they can damage crops. Wrapping the trunk in burlap is also another method of controlling the pests.

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Q: Why does Vietnam paint their trees white at the bottom?
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How many colors in white?

It all depends. Light appears white and it contains all of the colors in the spectrum. White paint is made with a pigment, usually titanium, to create white.

A 720 ml container holds a mixture of red yellow and white paint in a 5 312 ratio How much more red paint than yellow is present in the mixture?

A 720 ml container holds a mixture of red, yellow, and white paint in a 5 : 3 : 12 ratio. How much more red paint than yellow is present in the mixture?

What is white on top black on bottom?

A penguin laying on it's back.

How much brown paint in one gallon white to make beige?

One fluid ounce

How do you make a magic slate?

== * Tempera paint * Tablespoon * Large, durable zip-close bag * Masking tape * White paper (8.5x11) * Drawing tool, like a ice pop stick or finger 1 Choose a dark thick color of tempera paint. 2 Place 3 tablespoons of the tempera paint into your zip-close bag. Squeeze out as much air as you can and then zip the bag shut. 3 Position a white piece of paper, a little smaller than your bag, on a flat surface. 4 Place the paint-filled zip-close bag on top of the white sheet of paper. Tape the sides of the bag to the surface of the paper with masking tape. 5 Use your hand to smooth the paint into a thin layer in the bag and across the white paper. You now have a homemade magic slate. 6 Use a blunt drawing tool, like a finger or an ice pop stick, to draw on your homemade magic slate. Your drawing will appear as you displace the dark paint and reveal the white paper. 7 Rub your hands over the zip lock bag to wipe away your drawings and start fresh.

Related questions

Why do people paint the bottom of trees white?

Painting the bottom of trees white, known as whitewashing, helps to protect the bark from sunscald, winter injury, and pests. The white paint reflects sunlight, reducing heat stress on the tree trunk and helping to prevent damage. It can also make trees more visible to avoid collisions with lawnmowers and trimmers.

Why paint palm trees white?

Maybe to make them look nice.Rather:

What kind of paint do you use on oak trees?

White Laytex

In the meditarainean according to many experienced farmers trees are painted white at the bottom to stop insects where or how can this formula be found here in North America?

In North America, you can find white tree paint at most garden centers or agricultural supply stores. It is commonly sold as "tree trunk paint" or "whitewash" and is used for the same purpose as in the Mediterranean - to protect trees from insects and sun damage. Alternatively, you can make your own whitewash by mixing equal parts white latex paint and water.

Why did people used to paint the bottom of their trees white?

This is called "whitewashing". It was to discourage insects from attacking the tree. The white was an insecticide mixture, about the consistency of a heavy motor oil. Yea, and the 'paint' was harder on the tree than the incects.So they quit doing this. This is not an insect issue. It was a special paint used on decideous trees that kept the bark near the ground from cracking during a frost. It reflected sunlight that could warm this area up and make it expand.

What is the name of the paint that people use to paint the bottom of trees white?

Any white latex (water-based) house paint is fine. You mix it 1:1 with water and then apply with a pump sprayer. This will help protect the cambrium from damage of sudden temperature changes in the spring and fall. It also helps you notice insect damage, which might otherwise be overlooked.

What kind paint can be used to paint tree?

Acrylic paint or outdoor latex paint are commonly used to paint trees. Make sure to use non-toxic paint and avoid painting the trunk as it can harm the tree's health.

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It's on the bottom of the cardboard cover over the spare tire. The white sticker with all theRPO codes. The paint code begins with a "U". It's on the bottom of the decal.

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About 3,000 gallons of paint were used to paint the White House.

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Yes, White Face Paint...

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Trees with soft leaves include maple, aspen, and willow trees. These trees have leaves that are typically smooth, flexible, and not prickly or rough to the touch.

How do you make my hands and feet white?

Take a paint brush, buy a can of white paint, and paint your hands and feet white-as-can-be! Happy painting!