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Q: Why does a fact family for 81 and 9 have only two number sentences?
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Why does the fact family for 81 and 9 only have 2 number sentences?


Why does the fact family for 81 and 9 only have two number sentences?

It does because the other two sentences are impossible.

Why does fact family for 81 and 9 have only two number sentences?

IT does because the other two sentences are impossible.

Why does the fact family for 64 and 8 have only 2 number sentences?

Why does the Fact family for 81 and nine have only two number sentences

Why does the fact family for 81 and 9 have only two number sentences and how does this make a difference?

because you need 3 different numbers for 4 sentences

If a fact family has only two multiplication and division sentences what do you know about the product and dividend?

If a fact family has only 2 multiplication nd division sentences, what do you know about the product and divident?

If a fact family has only 2 multiplication and division sentences what do you know about the product and dividend?

There are only two numbers in that case. For example 5 x 5 = 25 and 25/5 = 5. The fact family has only two sentences. Now from the equation it indicates that the product of the same numbers gives the dividend or dividend divided by divisor is the same number as the divisor since there are only two numbers in the fact family.

Why do some fact families have only two number sentences in them?

this is when there are the same digit numbers in the sentence

Why does the fact family for 81 ad 9 have only two number sentences?

It has only 2 numbers: 9 and 81. Since 9 squared (9^2, 9*9). So all there is is:9 × 9 = 8181 = 9 × 9

What is a fact family with only facts?

There cannot be such a family because of self-reference. It is similar to the Russell paradox (named after Bertrand Russell). As soon as you have a fact family with only two facts, you have added a third fact. The third fact is that is that the fact family had only two facts. That then makes it a family with three facts. Which means it is no longer a fact family with only two facts. So the third fact is no longer correct. And so it does not have three facts. Which means it has only two facts and you will keep looping round and round forever!

make a multiplication fact of the numbers 3122111?

There is only one number. The simplest multiplication fact is 3122111 x 0 = 0There is only one number. The simplest multiplication fact is 3122111 x 0 = 0There is only one number. The simplest multiplication fact is 3122111 x 0 = 0There is only one number. The simplest multiplication fact is 3122111 x 0 = 0

Is 2x2 equals 4 a fact from a fact family that has only facts?

because they use the same numbers