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lead has much higher density

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Q: Why does a kilogram of lead occupy a much smaller volume than a kilogram of water?
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How much is 9 mg liquid in ml?

You can not directly equate mass (mg) and volume (ml) without knowing the density of the substance being measured. For instance 9mg of liquid mercury would occupy a much smaller volume than 9 mg of water.

What is 10 CC in kilogram?

A cc is a measure of volume, a kg is a measure of mass and it is not possible to convert one into the other. For example, 10 cc of water will have a much smaller mass than 10 cc of lead.

How many milliliters are in 1000 milligrams?

If you take 1000 milligrams of distilled water at 0 degrees centigrade, it will measure exactly 1 milliliter. Likewise, 1 kilogram of distilled water at 0 degrees centigrade is exactly 1 liter. However, for other substances, the answer will differ. It depends on the volume of the substance that weighs 1000 mg. For example, 1000 mg of lead (Pb) is far smaller in volume than 1000 mg of water (H2O), which is far smaller in volume of 1000 mg of gaseous Oxygen (O2). ML is milliliters - a volume. mg is milligrams - a weight. 1000 milliliters = 1 liter. 1000 milligrams = 1 gram.

What is formula to convert kiloleter to kilogram?

You cannot. A kilolitre is a measure of volume while a kilogram is a measure of mass. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other. For example, a kilolitre of air will have a much smaller mass than a kilolitre of water. Until the middle 1960s, a kilolitre and kilogram were directly related: a millilitre of water at 4 deg C at standard atmospheric presssure had a mass of 1 gram (so that 1 kL = 1 kg). But that definition is no longer used.

How is a liter of water related to a kilogram?

I litre of water weighs I kilogram

Related questions

Which is denser a kilogram of water or a kilogram of lead?

A kilogram of water and a kilogram of lead have the same mass, but lead is denser than water. Lead has a higher density because it has more mass packed into a smaller volume compared to water.

A kilogram of a lead occupies a much smaller volume than a kilogram of water because what has a much higher density?

Lead has a much higher density than water, meaning a kilogram of lead occupies less volume compared to a kilogram of water. This is due to the arrangement of atoms and molecules in lead being more tightly packed together, resulting in a higher mass per unit volume.

How much volume equals one kilogram?

The volume of one kilogram depends on the density of the material. For water, one kilogram is approximately equal to one liter in volume. However, for other materials with different densities, one kilogram will have a different volume.

Why does a beaker of hot water gets denser when it's cooled?

Water molecules are more spread out and have higher kinetic energy when they are hot, causing them to occupy a larger volume and hence be less dense. When the water cools down, the molecules lose kinetic energy, move closer together, and occupy a smaller volume, resulting in higher density.

Find the volume that a 0.871gram sample of air would occupy if the density of air is 1.29gramsleters?

The density of water, for example is the mass divided by the volume. So if a litre of water weighs a kilogram and the volume is a litre, then the density one kilogram per litre. This is the same as saying 1000 grams per litre, or 1000 grams per 1000 millilitres, or one gram per millilitre since 1000 grams = one kilogram, and 1000 millilitres = 1 litre

What is the Volume of a kg of water?

The volume of a kilogram of water is approximately 1 liter. This is because the density of water is close to 1 gram per cubic centimeter. Since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram, the volume of a kilogram of water is about 1000 cubic centimeters, which is equivalent to 1 liter.

Can the volume of ice smaller than the water's?

No, the volume of ice cannot be smaller than the water.

What is the volume of one kilogram of water?

one liter

What is bigger a kilogram or a gallon of water?

A gallon of water is bigger than a kilogram in terms of volume. However, a kilogram is heavier than a gallon of water because a kilogram measures weight, while a gallon measures volume.

Which occupies a larger volume100g lead density 11.34gml or 100g water density 0.995gml?

100g of lead would occupy a larger volume compared to 100g of water because lead has a higher density of 11.34 g/ml, whereas water has a density of 0.995 g/ml. The higher the density of a substance, the more mass it can hold in a smaller volume.

What is the volume of water in the Ganges river in cubic kilogram?

kilograms are units of weight. There is no such thing as a cubic kilogram.

Will lead occupy a larger volume or will water?

lead and water will occupy the same volume. however the Density of lead is 207.2 g/L (grams per liter) and the Density of H2O is only 18.02 g/L so if you had the same volume of lead and water the lead would be heavier. But if you had the same Weight of both water and lead the water would have a larger volume.