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A kite can come in several shapes. The standard diamond shape, the box kite, are just two of many. I've seen huge kites shaped as Disney charactors, teddy bears, penguins, on Blackpool Beach, UK.There can be several kites linked together that can do acrobatics in the sky, and a demonstration is often to be found at the sea-side in summer.

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Q: Why does a kite have a short and long side?
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Is the I long or short in kite?

The word kite has a long I sound and a silent E.

Is kite a long or short vowel Sound?

The word kite has a long vowel sound. The "i" is pronounced like the "i" in "find."

Is kite a short or long vowel word?

"Kite" has a long vowel sound because the 'i' is pronounced as /ai/.

Does kite have a short vowel sound?

Yes, the word "kite" has a short vowel sound because the "i" is pronounced as /ɪ/.

Does kite have a short i sound?

Yes, the word "kite" has a short i sound, pronounced as /kʌɪt/.

Does kite have a short a sound?

No. The I has a long I sound, as in bite and white, as the E is silent.

Does a kite have a parralel lines?

no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, but it does have some of the properties of a true parallelogram. It is a quadrilateral and has two pairs of sides of equal lengths. In the parallelogram each long side meets a short side and its opposite angles are equal. In the kite the two long sides meet together, and the two shorter sides meet together. If you draw in the diagonals of the kite you will find f our pairs of equal angles, and the diagonals cross each other at right angles.

Is kite long or short vowel?

The word "kite" has a long vowel sound for the letter "i." In this case, the "i" says its name because it is the last letter in a closed syllable followed by a silent "e."

Is kite a short or long vowel?

The I has a long I vowel sound, as in mite (might) and site (sight). The E is silent.

Is kite short I sound?

Yes, the word "kite" is short and contains the short /i/ sound as in "sit" or "miss."

Is kite a short I word?

No. It is a long I caused by the ending silent E, rhymes with bite and knight.

Does a kite fly higher when it is fitted with a long tail or a short tail explain it in scientific method?

Because of high gravity in the sky the kite flys when it is fixed with a log tail.