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Q: Why does a low range indicate precision in a measurement tool in math?
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What is the math term that refers to the degree of exactness?


What is the math tools scientists use when analyzing data?

Mode,range,anomalous data,percent error,mean,precision,meddian,estimate,accuracy,and maybe significant figures

Why are significant figures important in science but not in math class?

Science requires physical observation through measurement, which is always limited in precision hence significant figures. Mathematics, in contrast, deals with exact quantities represented by specific points on a number line, which implies infinite precision with infinite significant figures.

What is range is math?

Range, when talking about math, is all the possible y values.

What is bc command in unix?

The 'bc' command is a simple binary calculator (hence the name bc). It can do simple math and uses arbitrary precision arithmetic. You can designate the scaling, precision, and other values to use in math calculations. Arbitrary precision arithmetic allows you to exceed the hardware precision of the system you are on, by scaling to any number of significant digits that you may require.

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What is the true measurement of 2x4x8?

The real measurement for 2 by 4 by 8 is 64. This is a math problem.

What are the greek leters in math?

Pi ( π ) - used in geometry: ratio of cirle's circumferenct to diameter.Theta (θ) - symbol used in trigonometry, to indicate an angle measurement in degrees.Sigma (Σ) - used in math for summation of a series.Delta (Δ) - used to indicate a change in something.There may be others that I haven't listed. There are many more Greek letters used in the different science fields. Hope that helps.

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What does dm mean in measurement?

it means decimeter in math...

How is math related to the human body?

Measurement and height.