If you're asking why the symbol is % - It's a contraction of 'per one hundred'. The line and two small zero's signify the number 100.
The percent sign looks like this %. It is a forward slash that has a little circle on the top and the lower side of the dash. It is a common icon in the math world.
the at sign looks like this: @
It looks like a slanted number sign.
If you know what a stop sign looks like, then you know what an octogon looks like.
the gramatic sign of oblique how it look like
The percent sign looks like this %. It is a forward slash that has a little circle on the top and the lower side of the dash. It is a common icon in the math world.
the more than sign looks like this > and if you want to know the less than sign it looks like this <
the at sign looks like this: @
it looks like the delta sign.
It looks like this "&".
The square sign looks like a square.
It looks like a plus sign (+)
It looks like a slanted number sign.
A bass clef sign looks like a crescent moon.
If you know what a stop sign looks like, then you know what an octogon looks like.
picese is water talent the sign is a fish
the gramatic sign of oblique how it look like