Some rectangles do. We call those rectangles squares. There's not a "why", really, unless you want to get into etymology, in which case this question should be in language categories and not math categories.
It's a rectangle. A rectangle has four right angles, but only two pairs of equal sides.
four equal angles
a rectangle
A square or a rectangle
A rectangle
what shape has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of equal sides?
It's a rectangle. A rectangle has four right angles, but only two pairs of equal sides.
four equal angles
a rectangle does not have four equal sides and its opposite sides are equal and has four right angles
A square has 4 equal sides, and 4 equal angles and are considered paralellagrams A rectangle has 4 equal angles but not necessarily 4 equal sides, it is also a parallelagram.. On a square all sides are congruent, while in a rectangle only opposite sides are. So when is a square not a rectangle? what defines a rectangle and a square, each shape has to have 4 right angles. the sides are parallel and that in a square all four sides are congruent while in a rectangle only the opposite sides are congruent. So a rectangle must have opposite sides that are parallel and equal and four right angles. A square must have opposite sides parallel, all sides congruent, and four right angles. a rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles, while a square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles. By this definition a rectangle is a square since it has opposite sides that are congruent and parallel and it has four right angles. The question is, why a rectangle is not a square? A rectangle is not a square because it is not required to have four congruent sides.
A rectangle has two sets of two equal sides and four right angles.
Yes. A rhombus has four equal sides. A rectangle has four right angles. If a rhombus were also a rectangle, it would have four equal sides and four right angles. Thus it would be a square.
a rectangle