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because otherwise it's not drawn to a consistent scale in all directions

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Q: Why does a scale drawing have to be proportional?
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Are distances in a scale drawing proportional to distances in real life?

It matters check the proportional dictionary and see that

What is the importance of using scale in drawing an object?

Using scale in drawing an object is crucial for accurately representing its size and proportions relative to other objects or the surrounding environment. Scale helps ensure that the drawing is realistic and proportional, allowing viewers to understand the object's dimensions and spatial relationships. It also aids in creating a sense of depth and perspective within the drawing, enhancing its overall visual impact and realism.

How do you calculate the scale drawing?

The answer depends on what aspect of the scale drawing you wish to calculate.

What does a scale show on a scale drawing?

It shows the constant of proportionality between the scale drawing and the real-life object.

What does 1 centimeter on the scale drawing represent in real life?

it depends of the scale of the drawing

How do you find scale factor?

# is the ratio of the demensions in the drawing to the corresponding actual dimensions. The scale factor for a scale drawing is the ratio of the dimensions in the drawing to the corresponding acual bimensions.

Scale drawing questions?

scale questions

How do you work out the scale of a drawing?

Not all drawings are done to scale, sketches of buildings and people for instance. However if it is a technical drawing the draughtsman/woman will state on the drawing the scale used.

What is engineering drawing profile?

A drawing of the object in scale.

What is an enlarged or reduced drawing of an object?

a scale drawing.

How is a scale factor related to scale drawings?

The scale factor of a scale drawing is the ratio of any length in the drawing to the true corresponding length in the "real" object.

What is drawing that uses a scale to represent an object as smaller or larger than the original object?

scale drawing