Aha! A sparkler burns top to bottom only because you light the top.
If you lit the bottom, it would burn bottom to top. If you lit the middle, it would burn both directions from the middle.
Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
Top: numerator. Bottom: denominator.
putting the top number on bottom and bottom number on top
They burn up.
silver sulfadiazie after cold water compress-not ice...see physician asap
An intense white flame is produced when magnesium burns.
You can place coal in the furnace, then place any wood on the top slot to burn it to charcoal, or use a wood log on the bottom slot and one at the top and it'll burn that way as well.
Sparkler was released on 03/19/1999.
The Production Budget for Sparkler was $1,000,000.
Mark Sparkler goes by Yeti.
a sparkler
Sparkler grossed $5,494 worldwide.
Sparkler grossed $5,494 in the domestic market.
By "sparkler" are you referring to your penis?
You can get the sparkler move on a certain day somtime around New Year's on babv