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Q: Why does a spectrometer have two verniers?
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SAFARI imaging spectrometer was created in 1983.

Why does the spectrometer have two sets of vernier scales 180 degrees apart?

It is to minimize the error percentage of parallax. Also we can easily identify if the spectrometer has been moved beyond 270 degrees If we take readings on two scales and then average of it, the value would be more accurate

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What are the release dates for Spectrometer - 2013?

Spectrometer - 2013 was released on: USA: May 2013

Uses of verniers?

To measure things, or is that just too obvious? A.K.A. Vernier Callipers

When was microwave spectrometer invented?

The microwave spectrometer was invented in the 1950s.

What is spectrometer what is least count of spectrometer how it is how you can take mesurment of spectrometer?

A spectrometer is a scientific instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The least count of a spectrometer is the smallest change in wavelength or frequency detectable by the instrument. To take measurements with a spectrometer, you would typically calibrate the instrument using known standards and then analyze the light source you are interested in by measuring its intensity at different wavelengths or frequencies.

What is the device used to determine atomic masses?

A mass spectrometer is a device used to determine atomic masses by separating and measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. By analyzing the deflection of ions in a magnetic or electric field, the mass spectrometer can provide accurate measurements of atomic masses.

What is the least count of spectrometer?

The least count of a spectrometer is the smallest change in wavelength or frequency that can be detected or measured by the device. It is typically determined by the resolution or accuracy of the instrument and can vary depending on the specific model or design of the spectrometer.

What does a spectrometer measure?

A spectrometer measures the intensity of light at different wavelengths. By analyzing the spectrum of light emitted or absorbed by a sample, a spectrometer can provide information about the chemical composition, structure, or physical properties of the sample.