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when the rays of light falls from the air to water, it bends away from normal,inside water, bends towards normal,when it comes out of water again it ends away from from normal,hence its all because of refraction of light. sabin

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Q: Why does a spoon in a cup of water looks bent and discontinuous when viewed through the side of the cup?
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Were is the new jersey spoon museum?

A portion of the collection can be viewed at the Lambert Castle in Patterson.

Which animal's mouth is similar to a spoon?

Birds that are known as spoonbills. Their bill looks like a big spoon.

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What goes through the filtering of a slotted spoon?

A slotted spoon is typically used to separate solids from liquids. When using a slotted spoon, the liquid drains through the slots while the solids are retained in the spoon, allowing you to easily separate out and remove the desired components from the mixture.

How the heat travels through a metal spoon when stirring soup?

Heat travels through a metal spoon by conduction, where it is transferred from particle to particle within the spoon as they vibrate due to being heated. The metal spoon acts as a conductor, allowing the heat to flow from the hot soup to the cooler parts of the spoon and eventually warming the handle.

What does Big Dipper look like?

The big dipper looks like a big spoon in the sky

When a spoon is left in a bowl of hot soup the spoons becomes hot how does heat travel in the spoon?

That is through 'conduction'

How does a spoon get hot in hot water?

When a spoon is placed in hot water, the heat energy from the water is transferred to the spoon through conduction. The heat causes the particles in the spoon to move faster, increasing its temperature.

How did the spoon get hot?

a laser was shining on it through the window

Explain why the transfer of heat through a spoon in a bowl of hot soup is not caused by convection?

The transfer of heat through a spoon in a bowl of hot soup is not caused by convection because convection is the transfer of heat through a fluid due to the movement of that fluid, and in this case, the spoon is a solid object. Instead, the heat transfer in this scenario occurs primarily through conduction, as the spoon directly absorbs heat from the hot soup it is in contact with.

What type of friction acts on a spoon when you stir it?

Kinetic friction acts on a spoon when you stir it. As the spoon moves through the liquid, friction between the spoon and the liquid causes resistance, making it harder to stir.