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Q: Why does a square have infinite lines of symmetry?
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How many lines of symmetry does a cyilder have?

A cylinder has an infinite number of lines of symmetry (because a circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry).

How many lines of symmetry have a sphere?

A sphere has an infinite number of lines of symmetry

Does a circle have four lines of symmetry?

A circle has infinite lines of symmetry, all passing through the center. A square has four lines of symmetry: top to bottom, left to right, and the two diagonals.

How many symmetry lines circle have?

A circle has lines of symmetry that are infinite

How many lines of symmetry does a cylinder have?

3d shapes dont have lines of symmetry. they have planes. since a circle has infinite lines of symmetry, surely a cylinder has infinite planes of symmetry.

Symmetry of a circle?

A circle has infinite lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a cricle?

A circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry

Does a circle have the most lines of symmetry?

Yes because it has infinite lines of symmetry.

Lines of symmetry in a circle?

There's an infinite number of lines of symmetry in a circle.

Are there any lines of symmetry in a circle?

Yes, there are infinite lines of symmetry in a circle.

Jon has a square pizza he cuts it into pieces along all the lines of symmetry of the square how many pieces does he have?

an infinite number

How do you determine the symmetry of a circle?

A circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry. Any chord of the circle that passes through its center will be line of symmetry. Since there is an infinite number of chords, there is an infinite number of lines of symmetry.