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the one which is heavier will have more momentum because of it's extra weight. This means that it has more capacity to keep moving and it will therefore have more ability to overcome the resistance of the wind and the resistance to grit and bumps on the road surface.

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Luciana Porras

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3mo ago
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11y ago

Newtons law says that a moving object wants to keep moving unless it is slowed down and stopped by some force. We use the word 'momentum' to express an object's ability to keep moving. Moving objects on sloping surfaces are slowed down by 2 natural forces. These forces are friction and wind resistance. If 2 Billy Carts are built exactly the same shape and style and have the same size wheels and same type of bearing and tyre, then they should move down the hill at the same speed; BUT, the one which is heavier will have more momentum because of it's extra weight. This means that it has more capacity to keep moving and it will therefore have more ability to overcome the resistance of the wind and the resistance to grit and bumps on the road surface. In reality, they are usually given a push to get started when in a race. The heavier one will be given much more momentum because it is heavier, so it has an unfair advantage when they all have a 'push start'. If the rider keeps his head down low and streamlines his clothing and helmet, he could win the race because it is all about the cart which causes the least wind resistance. Steel wheels and precision ball bearings, and large diameter wheels, is usually the secret to winning the race , because friction is the main force that slows down the Billy cart. Large wheels overcome grit and bumps in the road much better than small wheels.

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Q: Why does a toy car go faster down a ramp with more weight?
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How does weight effect speed down a ramp?

The weight of an object does not directly affect its speed down a ramp. Instead, speed is influenced by factors such as the angle of the ramp, the surface friction, and the initial force applied. However, a heavier object may have more momentum, which could affect how quickly it accelerates down the ramp.

Does the weight of a toy car impact its speed going down a ramp?

Yes, the weight of a toy car can impact its speed going down a ramp. Heavier cars may have more momentum and force, which can make them travel faster down the ramp compared to lighter cars with less momentum. However, factors like friction and the angle of the ramp can also affect the speed of the car.

When you add more mass to a toy car will it go faster slower or the same down a ramp?

Faster. You see, adding more mass to the object pulls it down faster than when it had a lesser amount. Now that you've added more mass to your car, the gravitational pull will allow it to zoom on down the ramp. Forget about driving that thing UP the ramp! (:

If a toy car has weight added to it and then sent down a ramp will it go slower or faster?

If the toy car's ramp is on 45 degrees and if the toy car is put on some weight, the toy car will go faster because it goes faster, which makes the car go further.

How much does a medal ball weigh to go down a ramp?

The weight of a medal ball needed to go down a ramp would depend on factors such as the angle of the ramp, the friction present, and the desired speed of the ball. Generally, a heavier ball will require more force to overcome friction and gravity, allowing it to roll down the ramp faster. However, it is essential to find the right balance between weight and speed to ensure a smooth and controlled descent.

Does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a marble?

Yes, the height of a ramp can affect the speed of a marble. The higher the ramp, the more potential energy the marble has, which can be converted into kinetic energy as it rolls down the ramp. Therefore, a higher ramp may result in a faster speed for the marble.

Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?

If you are talking about a car rolling down a ramp then yes. The taller the ramp the more momentum the car will create there for the car will travel farther and faster.

A cart is rolling down a ramp if the angle of the ramp is increased to make the ramp steeper the cart will do what?

If the angle of the ramp is increased to make it steeper, the cart will accelerate more quickly down the ramp due to the increased gravitational force acting on it. The steeper ramp will result in a greater component of the gravitational force pulling the cart downhill, causing it to move faster.

If two cars of different weight are raced down the same ramp which one will go faster why?

the heavier one will go faster because of newtons first law of motion.

Do dents in a can make the can go down a ramp faster?

no it does not

How will the angle of a ramp affect the speed of a car going down it?

The larger the angle of the ramp, the faster the car will go down it.

Does gravity effect how fast a toy car may go down a ramp?

Yes, gravity affects the speed of a toy car going down a ramp. The greater the angle of the ramp, the faster the car will accelerate due to the force of gravity. The weight of the car also influences its acceleration.