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Q: Why does an ecological pyramid get smaller towards the top?
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Why a ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than the bottom?

they is fat

Why is an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top at the bottom?

Someone is on Chapter 2 Section 2: Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem problem 15. EXPLAIN why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom.

Who is the top consumer in an ecological pyramid?

humans are the top predator in the ecological pyramid.

Why is an ecological pyramid smaller on top but bigger on bottom?

Less kilo calories being transfered as the trophic level rises

Are all the triangles similar in a cross sectional shape of a pyramid?

Yes as they get smaller in size going towards the top of the pyramid.

What is at the bottom and top of the ecological pyramid?

Bottom, ProducerTop, Tertiary/ Carnivores

Why are the food groups in the shape of a pyramid?

As an pyramid shape gets larger towards the bottom and smaller towards the top, the foods you should eat more of are desplayed at the bottom of the pyramid to convey the quantity of that food group you should eat. For example: The fatty foods are usually at the top of the pyramid as theres only a little space at the top and you should eat only a little amount of fatty foods.

Why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom?

All pyramids are smaller at the top. It's how they're constructed. Every step of energy transformation has loss. Progress through the energy chain, the amount of energy transferred would unavoidably degrade. As the chain progresses, it gets narrower to a pyramid shape.

Does energy increases at each trophic level from the bottom toward the top of an ecological pyramid?

No, energy decreases as you move up the trophic levels of an ecological pyramid due to energy loss through metabolic processes like respiration and heat loss. This is known as the 10% rule, where only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

Why an ecological pyramid is smaller than the top than the bottom?

I'd say because most things at the top are less hunted organisms, leaving it to be eaten less. Which will result in a smaller amount.Rather than the rest of organisms, there are more and larger because they are the hunted.Because of energy the bottom gets 100% of the energy the next only gets 10% then 1% then .1% and so on.An ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic.

Why is an energy pyramid is the shape of a pyramid?

It is in the shape of a pyramid to show at the bottom it is big which gives 10% and then it gives off smaller and then smaller amounts of energy to make the point at the top.

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is called the trophic level, while the top layers representing consumers are known as higher trophic levels. This structure illustrates how energy flows through an ecosystem, with producers forming the base and subsequent levels representing different consumer groups.