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Q: Why does careful only have one l?
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How do you spell i am thankfull for my family everyday?

Most words that end that way only have one L, as in this case. The word is spelled Thankful. Helpful, careful and handful are other good examples.

How do you spell allready?

already. It has only one "l".

Why you use single L in welcome?

It's only one l because that is Grammatically correct.

Is beautifull correct English?

Beautiful - only one 'L'

Is dispell a word?

Yes, it is. But it only has one 'L' (Dispel).

How do you spell 'graciouslly'?

The adverb has only one L, graciously.

Who can defeat meteo l drago?

Ginka is the only one who i know who can defeat Meteo l Drago

What is 24 rated?

season 1- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 2- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 3- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 4- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 5- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 6- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 7- PG 13 V. AND L (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) season 8- PG 13 V. AND L (ONE EP. IS RATED PG 13 FOR V. L. AND 'SEXUAL SITUATIONS' ) (NOT ALL L ONLY SOME!) V.=VIOLENCE L=LANGUAGE

A boy looks at you everyday does this mean he fancies you?

no that only means the boy is doing only time careful. no that only means the boy is doing only time careful. no that only means the boy is doing only time careful.

Why is L and P only sold in New Zealand?

the only reason why l&p is only sold in new zealand is because l&p was made in a little town named paeroa, and is one of new zealands icon. right?

How do you spell randomlly?

The correct spelling is randomly, with only one L.

How do you spell exactlly?

The adverb "exactly" (precisely) has only one L.