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Q: Why does doubling speed quadruple braking distance?
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What is the difference between direct proportion and indirect proportion?

Two variables are said to be in direct proportion if, when you increase one by some multiple, the other also increases by that same multiple. Alternatively, both decrease by the same proportion. Two variables are in indirect (or inverse) proportion if an increase in one of them is associated with a decrease in the other, and conversely. The proportional change in both is the same. For example, if I change the speed at which I am driving, then the distance that I can cover in a fixed amount of time will change in the same proportion. Double my speed then double the distance, quadruple speed and quadruple distance, halve the speed and halve the distance. So speed and distance are directly proportional. Now think of speed and the time taken to do a fixed distance. Double my speed and halve the time. Halve the speed then double the time. So time taken is inversely proportional to speed.

Does braking distance decrease as speed increase?

No. If it did, you'd need a 5-mile driveway at your house, but a jet fighter could land on a 2-foot runway.

What are the three formulas for the speed triangle?

Speed = Distance/TimeTime = Distance/SpeedDistance = Speed*TimeSpeed = Distance/TimeTime = Distance/SpeedDistance = Speed*TimeSpeed = Distance/TimeTime = Distance/SpeedDistance = Speed*TimeSpeed = Distance/TimeTime = Distance/SpeedDistance = Speed*Time

Describe the relationship between the variable of time distance and speed?

Time = (distance) divided by (speed) Distance = (speed) multiplied by (time) Speed = (distance) divided by (time)

How do you find out time taken?

D= Distance S= Speed T= Time Speed = Distance/Time Distance = Speed x Time Time Taken = Distance/Speed

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When the speed of a vehicle doubles the braking distance is increased by approximately?

When the speed of a vehicle doubles, the braking distance is increased by approximately four times. This is because the braking distance is directly proportional to the square of the speed.

Double your speed double stopping distance?

If you double your speed, your stopping distance will quadruple due to the relationship between speed and stopping distance. It's important to remember that increasing speed significantly impacts the time it takes to bring a vehicle to a complete stop.

When a speed is doubled does its momentum double?

No, doubling the speed will quadruple the momentum. Momentum is dependent on both speed and mass; hence, if the speed is doubled, the momentum will increase by a factor of four.

When speed is doubled the braking distance is doubled also?

This statement is not accurate. In reality, when speed is doubled, the braking distance is quadrupled, not doubled, assuming all other factors remain constant. This is because the braking distance is directly proportional to the square of the initial speed.

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What will be range of projectile if its initial speed is doubled?

Doubling the initial speed of a projectile will quadruple its range, assuming all other factors remain constant. This is because the range of a projectile is directly proportional to the square of its initial speed.

How does mass speed of vehicle affect the braking distance?

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Why is the braking distance longer when the car is travelling at a higher speed?


How does speed affect the vehicle's braking distance?

Speed directly impacts braking distance, as braking distance increases with higher velocities. The faster a vehicle is traveling, the longer it will take to come to a complete stop once the brakes are applied. This is due to the increased momentum and kinetic energy the vehicle possesses at higher speeds, which must be counteracted by the braking system.

How is the braking distance proportional to the square of speed?

The braking distance is proportional to the square of speed because as speed increases, the amount of kinetic energy that needs to be dissipated during braking also increases exponentially. This means that stopping a vehicle traveling at twice the speed will require four times the distance to come to a complete stop due to the increased kinetic energy that needs to be overcome.

What things can affect braking distance?

Things that affect braking distance consist of the following factors: * speed at which you're travelling * weight of the car * road conditions * braking efficiency * friction between the road surface and your tires Things that affect braking distance consist of the following factors: * speed at which you're travelling * weight of the car * road conditions * braking efficiency * friction between the road surface and your tires

How does speed traction and gravity affect braking distance?

Speed: As speed increases, braking distance increases because the vehicle has more kinetic energy that needs to be dissipated in order to come to a stop. Traction: Higher traction allows the tires to grip the road better, reducing braking distance. Lower traction conditions, such as wet or icy roads, can increase braking distance due to reduced grip. Gravity: Gravity affects braking distance by influencing the weight and load distribution of the vehicle. Heavier vehicles may have longer braking distances as it takes more force to slow them down compared to lighter vehicles.