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because of d corrosion.....the constituent of the pulp(probably iron) reacts wid air to form iron oxide.....and the pulp turns black

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Q: Why does exposed surface of a cut brinjal become black?
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Is Black all colors or no colors?

Black would be no colours. the way we see things, is that light bounces off a surface, and into our eyes. The colour of the surface decides the colour of the light that is bounced into our eyes, and allows us to tell what colour it is. If there either isn't any light, or nothing that bounces in our direction, then we'll see the absence of light as black.

What fraction of sunlight is reflected by a surface?

The answer varies from one surface to another. A highly polished mirror will reflect almost all whereas a rough black body will reflect very little.

What is the probability that one of the offspring mice will have black fur?

The answer depends on how big the litter is: as the litter size increases the probability of one black fur increases. But as it gets larger still, the probability falls because two or more black furs become more probable.

What kind of membership does black expressions offer?

The kind of membership black expressions offer is either executive or V.I.P. In order to be an executive member, you would need to pay $5,000 a year. If you want to become V.I.P. you pay a one time fee of $200,000.

What are singularities?

A singularity is originally a mathematical term for a point at which an equation has no solution. In physics, it was proven that a large enough collapsing star would eventually become a black hole, so dense that its own gravity would cause a 'singularity' in the fabric of space-time, a point where many of the physics equations suddenly have no solution.Singularity has become, in physics, another name for a black hole, a compression of matter so dense, not even light can escape it.

Related questions

What colors become hotter when exposed to the sun?

Black is quite a hot colour when exposed to the sun

Why do silver articles become black after sometime when exposed to air?

The silver exposed to air combines with oxygen in the air to form silver oxide which is black.

What are the crops grown in black soil?

cotton , lady's finger , water melon , mango , guava , coconut , brinjal

What Crops are grown in black soils?

cotton , lady's finger , water melon , mango , guava , coconut , brinjal

Does silver get rusty?

Silver does not rust in the same way that iron does. However, silver can tarnish when exposed to sulfur or other chemicals in the environment, causing a darkening or dulling of the surface. This tarnish can be easily removed with silver polish or other cleaning methods.

What is the meaning of the word Brinjal?

Brinjal is another term for eggplant, which is a type of vegetable known for its shiny dark purple skin and soft flesh. It is commonly used in various cuisines around the world.

Why is radiation of heat larger in a black surface than a white surface?

Black surfaces absorb and emit more radiation across a wider range of wavelengths compared to white surfaces, which reflect more radiation. This difference in absorption and emission rates leads to black surfaces becoming hotter than white surfaces when exposed to radiation.

What is the name of the black substance formed on copper?

The black substance formed on copper is called copper oxide. It is a chemical compound that forms when copper is exposed to oxygen in the air, resulting in a black or greenish-black tarnish on the surface of the copper.

What the Navajo name for black?

The word for black is: łizhin (a thing)a black area or surface is: halzhinto become black is: yiijį́į́h (thing) --hoojį́į́h (area)to turn it black: yiishshį́į́h (thing) -- hooshshį́į́h (area)

Why does the blood of a chicken becomes black when it is not in the body of the chicken?

It is the same reason a person's blood turns black when it is on the outside of the body. When blood cells are exposed to the air, they become deoxygenated, dry up and turn dark.

What is uraniums appearances?

A fresh cleaned uranium piece is silvery-gray; after oxidation in air the surface become near black.

Which is a better reflector of light- a black surface or a white surface?

which is a better reflector of light-a black surface or a white surface