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You didn't really say why or where it hurt so I am assuming it's in your vagina. Are you lubricating well. If not you may need an assist from some baby oil on your partner before entry. Maybe you need to try a different position such as on your back with him laying at your side. If neither of those things help, you really need to see a doctor. 43 is much too young to give up on nature's cheapest and best entertainment. Good luck to you.

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Q: Why does intercourse hurt iam a 43 year old women and have had major surgery twice?
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Do women over 60 have sexual urge?

Yes. Both men and women continue having sexual desires even at an advanced age. The frequency of sexual intercourse tends to be less when you are old, though.

Why does a sigmoidoscopy not work?

exam is not always adequate. A 2004 study reported that among older patients and women, sigmoidoscopy is not always effective, particularly because insertion depth is not adequate. For unknown reasons, this is almost twice as true for women as for men

Will sex hurt after the first 10 times?

It really depends on how you performed it. For a women, yes, it might hurt since the Hymen is ruptured (If not already ruptured) and that will be painful. If a women is not excited enough, then she wont secrete the necessary fluids that lubricate the walls of the Vagina and that can lead to painful intercourse. If care is taken, then that can be avoided.

Does a intercourse of 10 seconds satisfy a woman?

I suspect that you must be joking, but the answer is "No! Far from it!" Women needs long periods of cuddling, kissing, touching, saying sweet things for an extended period, say an hour at least, in order to have an orgasm (be satisfied)

Can Atrophic Viginititis occur in younger women around the age of twenty-three?

yes, but it is rare and usually in older and I mean older like 60-85 year old women. I doubt you are experiencing it. See a doctor because there can be emotional issues that are interfering with your ability to relax and enjoy intercourse and masturbation. With appropriate therapeutic counseling, you can identify your concerns and address them. good luck! Joymaker RN

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Where are sperm deposited during sexual intercourse?

Sperm are typically deposited in the vagina during sexual intercourse. From the vagina, sperm can travel through the cervix and into the uterus, where they can potentially fertilize an egg if one is present.

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A woman can go a lifetime without sex. Men too. Just think about nuns and monks. It wont harm a woman to not have intercourse. Most women don't orgasm from intercourse alone anyway.

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