A zero. Zero in the denominator make the expression undefined for algebraic purposes.
zero can not be a denominator.
a value of zero in the denominator makes the fraction undefined
If the denominator has a zero value.
Because division by zero is not defined and if the denominator were zero, we would be dividing by zero.
A zero. Zero in the denominator make the expression undefined for algebraic purposes.
If that denominator is x + 2, a value of -2 for x would not make sense as division by zero is undefined.
You simply multiply the numerator and the denominator by any non-zero integer.
zero can not be a denominator.
Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same non-zero integer. You can divide the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero integer, but the integer has to be a factor of them both.
The function is not defined at any values at which the denominator is zero.
a value of zero in the denominator makes the fraction undefined
To address the issue of a zero denominator when converting ratio denominators in After Effects, you can adjust the values of the ratio to ensure that the denominator is not zero. This can be done by either changing the numerator or denominator to a non-zero value, or by using a different ratio altogether that does not result in a zero denominator.
If the denominator has a zero value.
if there is 0 in the numerator it is zero regardless. But if it's zero in the denominator and zero in the numerator then it is undefined in all such cases where the denominator equals zero.
The answer depends on the part of the question that is missing.