3/11/11 is today's current date. That is most likely why is says 3/11/11.
Twelve and three hundred eleven thousandths.
Sixty-three thousand and eleven.
You can say "eleven thousand dollars" to express the amount of $11000.
One hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and eleven. One three zero nine one one.
The word form is: three billion, two hundred fifty million, nine thousand, one hundred eleven.
sixty-three thousand, eleven
Forty three thousand,two hundred and eleven
Twelve and three hundred eleven thousandths.
You would say 311,024 as: three hundred eleven thousand and twenty-four.
Most people would say, "Eleven point two three four oh six" but you probably want "Eleven and twenty three thousand four hundred six hundred thousandths
when someone asks you the time, you rarely respond with it is eleven twenty three and fourteen seconds, you typically say its eleven twenty five.
Sixty-three thousand and eleven.
eleven is 'onze' in French.
three tenth
One hundred eleven thousand, seven hundred forty-three and forty-nine hundredths. If it is currency it would be: one hundred eleven thousand, seven hundred forty-three dollars and forty-nine cents.
Three hundred eighty-two and three hundred eleven octillion, one hundred eleven septillion, one hundred eleven sextillion, one hundred eleven quintillion, one hundred eleven quadrillion, one hundred eleven trillion, one hundred eleven billion, one hundred eleven million, one hundred eleven thousand, one hundred eleven nonillionths.
You can say "eleven thousand dollars" to express the amount of $11000.