K is the abbreviation for Kilo which has been extended to multiply any quantity by 1000.
K is an abbreviation for kilo, which mean 1000.
'k' is not a Roman numeral. It is used to designate kilometer(s), or 1000.
k stands for 1000 in many circumstances ("kilo") so 82000
k is "kilometer" which is a metric unit of length. It's equal to 1000 meters.
k for kilo = 1000.
K is an abbreviation for kilo, which mean 1000.
K stnds for kilo which is 1000.
1000, comes from kilo
K= 1000 so it means 2,100 Rupees.
K could mean kilo or 1000 so 220K could mean 220 kilos or 220 thousand
5 million, 5000 x 1000 (kilo meaning 1000 such as in kilometer, 1000 meters)
The prefix "k" is the short term for "kilo" which means "1000". It is used often such as in "kilo"grams ("k"g)(1000 grams) or "kilo"meters ("k"m)(1000 meters).
'k' is not a Roman numeral. It is used to designate kilometer(s), or 1000.
It means kilo which is 1000 and 15k is 15*1000 = 15000
1000 dollars
In canoeing, K-1 1000 is a single person kayaking race with the distance of the race being 1000 meters.