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Q: Why does lake say his son will respond and ldquo13 and when asked how many months are in a year?
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Why does Lake say his son will respond 13 when asked how many months are in a year?

B because thats how many full moons are in a year on the indian calander

On which continent are Lake Huron and Lake Superior located?

You asked this in the "Canada" section. Therefore you know that lake Huron and lake superior form a part of Canada. Now if you know that Canada is in Northern America, then you have your answer...

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6 months

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4 months

Were is avid lake fisher?

Avid Lake Fisher is not a place. The word Avid in the question means someone who showns great enthusiasm in something. The question could have been asked as 'are you an enthusiastic lake fisher'. As for Lake Fisher, any suitable Lake will do

When is lake first or second in lake name?

At a lake ecology conference, I asked that questions of some MSU experts. They said the general feeling was if the French named the lake, the word lake was first. If the English named the lake, the word lake is second. This appears to be true in Michigan, New York, Lousiana and places where the French had a great presence.

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Baranol and lake (the theres more but you only asked for 2)

Lake Winnipeg waves?

Could you tell me what is the average wave height on Winnipeg lake during the months of September to December. Thank You in Advance

What is the largest lake in Iraq?

i don't know that's what i asked but i guess there's no one smart enough to answer it :(

Which city are Flocks of flamingoes visit this salt lake during the winter months?


What is the largesst lake in the western US?

The Mississippi-Missouri River of course! I don't know why that person is telling you about a river when you asked about a lake. Oh gosh~ Anyway, the largest lake in the Western United states is the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

How many miles from Lake Como?

It depends on were you are at!! If you properly asked the question stating were you stay and then how many miles to lake Como someone can answer it correctly w/ the information you want.... Hope my answer was helpful!!!! leaving from Menaggio on lake como by car what is the miles ?