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Q: Why does my TENs pad cause a strong stinging?
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What do you do if your horse has cuts and bruises?

Treat the wound with some non stinging cleaner and then if its bad then bandage it with a pad under

What can cause a strong muscular movement in lower tummy as if a baby is kicking even though you are not pregnant?

These sound like PMS cramps. A heating pad, long bath, excerise, and chocolate help!!!

Will it cause infection if you wear a pad before you get your period?

no it will not but instead of putting a pad on before your period just bring it with you

Can Electric Heating Pad cause a burn or bruise?

Not sure about a bruise, but yes a heating pad can cause burns. If it malfunctions it can burn. Also, some people have been burned even with a properly working heating pad. That is why you should always be cautious in using them.

Can Always pads rub you wrong on the side of your lips and cause stinging but no sores at all?

I noticed this problem with Always pads also. It seems as though it holds the moisture close to the surface of the pad and causes a diaper rash type problem. Switch to a brand with a more cottony surface like Stayfree and change more often.

What is netbook cooling pad for?

It prevents your netbook from overheating which can cause it to fail.

Can you use a blanket for a saddle pad?

no, it would cause discomfort for the horse's back creating saddle sores, you can use it over a build up pad though.

How many times do you have to change the pad for the potty pad?

4-5 days or 1 week.on day 2 the flow is very strong and fast answered by:stephany b 10 yrs old

Have you done a wee?

first of all take your dog in the area u want it to use the wee wee pad have treats in ur hand place it on the pad with the dog need to go and it eat on the pad all the time which will cause to just come on the pad any time it need to go go go!

Why does it take three taps on mu laptop touch pad to close out of a program?

I can think only of three things that could cause the problem:Your pad is not sensitive, it is broken, laptop is slow.

What is the most common cause of peripheral arterial disease?

PAD most often occurs as a result of atherosclerosis

What would cause a rotor to wear on inside?

Either the piston isn't retracting as it should, ir the whole caliper is failing to move as it should, causing the pad to drag and wear both pad and rotor.