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Because steam includes the latent heat of vapourisation. As a result, the energy in a kilogram of steam at 100 deg C is 2257 kJoules more than that in a kilogram of water at 100 deg C.

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Q: Why does steam of 100 degree c cause more severe burns than boiling water at 100 degree c?
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What are 20 and 30 degree burns?

20 and 30 degree burns do not exist. But 1, 2, and 3 degree burns exist. 1 - burns affect only the outer layer of the skin. They cause pain, redness, and swelling. 2 - (partial thickness) burns affect both the outer and underlying layer of skin. They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. 3 - (full thickness) burns extend into deeper tissues. They cause white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.

How do you make clorpactin solution?

If clorpactin (oxychlorosene) is given to you as a powder, contact your health care professional for directions on mixing it with water to form a solution. The powder should not be used without mixing it in water as it can cause burns and severe skin damage.CAUTION: Clorpactin WCS-90 should never be used as a powder. The strong oxidizing power of the powder will cause burns that can result in necrotic tissue. It should be used as a solution only, and in the concentrations specified. Not for systemic use.See the Web Links to the left for more information.

Explain why placing a dented table-tennis ball in boiling water is one way to remove the dent in the ball?

The heat cause the air inside the ball to expand and undent the ball

Why placing a dented table tennis ball in boiling water is one way to remove the dent in the ball?

The heat will cause the air inside the table-tennis ball (ping pong ball) to expand and so push the dint out.

Can a right triangle have an angle that measure79 degrees and one that measures 47 degrees and one that measures 54 degrees?

If you mean right angled triangle then the answer is "no" a right angled triangle must have one angle 90 degree if you dont then answer is "yes" cause the sum of angles is equal to 180 degree

Related questions

Which is the least severe of all burns?

A first-degree burn is the least severe of all burns. It involves only the outer layer of the skin and may cause redness, swelling, or pain.

Third degree burns cause what?

Third degree burns cause blistered skin. It can also cause chared skin.

What cause more burns steam or boiling water?

Steam can cause more severe burns than boiling water because steam has a higher heat energy content. When steam comes into contact with the skin, it releases this heat energy, causing more damage than boiling water at the same temperature.

How fats will boiling water kill a human?

Boiling water can cause severe burns and tissue damage to a human, potentially leading to death depending on the severity of the burns and the percentage of the body affected. The extent of damage will depend on the temperature of the water, the duration of exposure, and the individual's overall health.

What are facts about third degree burns?

Third degree burns cause blistered and charred skin. It can also cause your skin to melt.

What happens after you get third degree burns?

Third degree burns cause blistered and charred skin. It can also cause your skin to melt.

What are the risks from microwave radiation?

It can cause severe burns.

Are all 3rd degree burns black?

No, Third degree burns cause blistered and charred skin. It can also cause your skin to melt.

Can boiling water melt skin?

Exposure to 212F water will not "melt" skin, but can easily cause 2nd degree burns and, if the exposuire is continued, even more damage.

Why burn caused due to steam is more severe than the boiling water at same temperature?

Burns caused by steam are more severe than burns caused by boiling water at the same temperature because steam contains more heat energy than water. When steam comes into contact with skin, it releases this heat energy rapidly, resulting in more severe burns. Additionally, steam can penetrate deeper into the skin due to its gaseous nature, causing more extensive damage.

Can acid cause sever burns and tissue damage?

Yes, both an acid and base can cause severe burns and tissue damage!

What symptom distinguishes a second-degree from a third-degree burn?

Third degree burns cause blistered and charred skin. It can also cause your skin to melt.