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Q: Why does the electrical arc of lightning never form a line?
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When lightning appears as more than one line it is called?

When lightning appears as more than one line, it is called forked lightning. This occurs when the electrical discharge in the atmosphere branches out into multiple paths as it travels from the cloud to the ground. Forked lightning can create a striking visual display during a thunderstorm.

What do you call Lightning that appears as a single long line?

A lightning bolt A lightning leader A lightning strike A lightning stroke

What is the difference between light and lightning?

Light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm, producing a bright flash of light in the sky. Lightning results from the buildup and release of electrical energy in the atmosphere, while light is a form of energy that illuminates objects.

Which country has the most symmetry lines?

There is no country that has any line of symmetry. Rivers, coastlines, mountain ranges, etc that form borders are never that straight.There is no country that has any line of symmetry. Rivers, coastlines, mountain ranges, etc that form borders are never that straight.There is no country that has any line of symmetry. Rivers, coastlines, mountain ranges, etc that form borders are never that straight.There is no country that has any line of symmetry. Rivers, coastlines, mountain ranges, etc that form borders are never that straight.

When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line what it is called?

A+ Beaded Lightning

When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line it is called?

When lightning appears as small bursts in a dotted line, it is called sheet lightning. This type of lightning is caused by distant lightning flashes reflecting off clouds or atmospheric particles, creating a diffuse illumination in the sky.

Does the lightning affects telephone line?

Sometimes it can depending how bad the lightning is and if there's thunder.

A wire is placed on the top of a transmission line to?

Ground wireAnswerIt's a (lightning) protection wire, designed to protect the line conductors from lightning strikes.

What is a type of lightning that appears as a single long line called?


Why does lightning take the form of lines?

Lighting is electricity, and the charge follows the path of least resistance to "ground" and that would be a line sometimes zig-zaging along the before mentioned path of least resistance to the ground or other cloud with an oposing charge. that is why hills, and other raised structures are struck more frequently than flat ground, this provides the charge a quicker route to ground.

What is the first line in the Lightning Thief?

The first line of "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan is: "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood."

What A type of lightning that appears as a single long line is called?

A type of lightning that appears as a single long line is called a "fork lightning" or "bolt from the blue." It often occurs when lightning strikes horizontally within a cloud or between clouds rather than toward the ground.