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Q: Why does the margin of error decrease as the sample size n and 8203 increases?
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What Happens To The Width Of The Confidence Interval If You Decrease The Confidence Level Decrease The Sample Size or Decrease the margin of error?

The width of the confidence interval willdecrease if you decrease the confidence level,increase if you decrease the sample sizeincrease if you decrease the margin of error.

Will the standard error decrease if the sample size increases?

it should decrease

How does sample size affect the size of your standard error?

The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.

how to decrease margin of error in probability sampling?

With probability sampling you have no control over the units that are sampled. So the only way to reduce the margin of error is to increase the size of the sample.

How does sample size affect the margin of error?

The larger the sample size, the smaller the margin of error.

What accurately describe the effect of increasing the sample size?

A sample size is a group which is sampled in surveys, statistics, and in the scientific method. Increasing a sample size might decrease or increase the margin of error, depending on what was being measured. For instance, a sample of 100 women who were pregnant, might increase or decrease the the margin of error for women who showed morning sickness while pregnant.

Why does margin of error increases while level of confidence increases?

The margin of error increases as the level of confidence increases because the larger the expected proportion of intervals that will contain the parameter, the larger the margin of error.

How to reduce Margin of error?

Increase sample size.

How does Increasing the sample size while keeping the same confidence level has what effect on the margin of error?

The margin of error is reduced.

The typical margin of error in a sample survey of 1500 respondents is?

3 percent

What happens to the confidence interval as the standard deviation of a distribution increases?

The standard deviation is used in the numerator of the margin of error calculation. As the standard deviation increases, the margin of error increases; therefore the confidence interval width increases. So, the confidence interval gets wider.

Why does the margin of error increase as the confidence increases?

The margin of error is dependent on the confidence interval.I'll give you examples to understand it better.We know:Confidence Interval (CI) = x(bar) ± margin of error (MOE)MOE = (z confidence)(sigma sub x bar, aka standard error of mean)When CI = 95%, MOE = (1.96)(sigma sub x bar)When CI = 90%, MOE = (1.64)(sigma sub x bar)Naturally, the margin of error will decrease as confidence level decreases.