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Your teeth can be sensitive to sounds aswell as hot and cold.

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Q: Why does the nails on the chalkboard sound hurt your teeth?
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Styrofoam can feel like it hurts your teeth because it creates a high-pitched squeaking sensation when it comes in contact with your teeth. This sensation is caused by the vibration of the material against your teeth, similar to nails on a chalkboard. It's more of a discomfort rather than actual pain.

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The reason why it doesn't hurt when you grow your nails is because nails are dead matter. There is no sensation in the tip of a nail.

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yes but not hurt your teeth

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There no nerves in the hair and nails

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There no nerves in the hair and nails

DO peroxide hurt natural nails?

Peroxide can be harsh on natural nails and may cause them to become brittle and prone to breakage. It is best to use peroxide sparingly and to thoroughly moisturize nails after exposure.

Will a rabbit die if it eats cardboard?

Actually no, the rabbit's teeth are probably overgrown, so that means you might need to go to the vet to get its teeth filed. Don't worry that won't hurt your bunny, it feels pretty much the same as if you grew your nails then filed them.

My teeth hurt?

your teeth might hurt because u have some new ones wanting to come out

Do sharks hurt themselves with there sharp teeth?

no sharks do not hurt themselves with their own teeth because they don't close their mouth fully and the teeth do not touch them

Why does candy hurt your teeth?

The sugar in the candy can rott your teeth

Why don't you get hurt when your cut your nails or hair?

Your hair and nails do not have any nerve endings in them. Nerve endings are what allow you to sense pain. Without nerve endings, you cannot feel any pain, and that is why you don't get hurt when you cut your nails or hair.